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Seybold Conference: First Macs with PowerPC G4 CPU
MacGadget, among others, writes:
As expected, Apple CEO Steve Jobs presented a new generation of Macintosh computers in his keynote to the Seybold Conference in San Francisco, which are powered for the first time by the top-performing PowerPC G4 CPU. Apple called the new Macs "supercomputers", offering significantly more speed than the current Power Macintosh G3 product line. Apple starts shipping the first 400 MHz G4 system today. Versions with 450 and 500 MHz are bound to follow in the next two weeks.
The main performance specs are a 2x AGP bus, integrated AirPort technology, an Ultra 66 ATA system and an accelerated PCI bus. Jobs spend special attention on the AltiVec technology. This especially speeds up operations heavy on numerical calculations, like graphic applications. A special AltiVec-optimised expansion to Photoshop is included with every G4 Mac. The new systems will cost between 1599 and 3499 USD. A PowerPC G4 with 500 MHz is said to be much faster than a Pentium III with 600 MHz. The Power Macintosh G4 will be shipped in the same casing as the current G3 line, but not in blue-white but silver-white.
The new configurations in overview:
Power Mac G4/400, 64 MB memory, 10 GByte-HD, 32speed CD-ROM; 1599 $
Power Mac G4/450, 128 MB memory, 20 GByte-HD, DVD-ROM; 2499 $
Power Mac G4/500, 256 MB memory, 27 GByte-HD, DVD-RAM; 3499 $
(More details at the title link - German -) (ps)

[News message: 31. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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