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Hotmail cracked completely
FutureZone writes:
Mail of every user readable | no password needed | details unknown so far | FutureZone has tested Exploit
The free mail service Hotmail has been cracked heavily today. With a web form it is possible to read any user's mail - without password. FutureZone has a corresponding link, first tests revealed: Every Hotmail account is readable. (Full article - German - at the title link.)
August 31st, 1999:
Heise writes, among others: Hotmail hole fixed for now
About twelve hours after the Hotmail hack became public, Microsoft reported the bug has been fixed. In the meantime, the Hotmail server was offline. Our editors however recieved messages until late in the night that readers were able to scan Hotmail accounts without the need for a password. After the Microsoft announcement at 2:00 AM local time, this seems to be impossible. Microsoft has not yet commented about the technical background making the attack possibe.
Spiegel Netzwelt, among others, writes: Hacker group claims responsibility for Hotmail hack
According to informations of the online news service "Wired", a so far unknown hacker group claimed responsibility for the move on Monday. The online magazine cites a Swedish spokesman that is reported to have made contact with "Wired". According to him, the group named "Hackers Unite" consists of a Swedish and seven US-Americans. The hackers made the backdoor public to bring attention to the insufficient security of Microsoft's products: "We didn't make this hack to destroy, but to show the world how bad the security really is at Microsoft, and that the company nearly has a monopoly on computer software", a 21-year-old group member is cited. (ps)

[News message: 30. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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