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Stefan Robl by eMail

VMdriver new version 1.10
Stefan Robl writes:
The new version 1.10 of the FMdriver packet contains numerous innovations; e.g. the limitation to graphic cards has been removed, programms are now running in satisfactory quality in 2-256 colors (!!). New are the programms FMInit, FMGrab (great for WebCams!), FMRecord/FMRecordDec and FMRecorder.
FMRecorder makes it possible to comfortably record videos with the FrameMachine. The program contains, aside from an anim viewer, a converter to encode the video as MPEG later on. You can download screenshots from the programs, and a MPEG animation recorded with FMRecord (and encoded with CreateMPEG) from my homepage. (ps)

[News message: 30. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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