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Andre Beer

Update GeoWorld
After more than half a year of work, today we finally finished the long-awaited update to version 1.1 of GeoWorld. GeoWorld, probably the best geographical software for the Amiga, has been expanded by the following features in version 1.1:
  • adding a new generic search function in the maxi search, enabling for the first time the search for special keywords in the additional databases like economy, history etc. (full text search)
  • complete rework and bugfixes
    • NewLook-Menus for OS 3.0+ (no more changing menu colors)
    • flashing pointer for cities and small countries now working correctly
    • scrolling of the maps pixel by pixel per keyboard
    • sorting speed-up due to presorted databases
    • faster search functions (in Assembler)
    • VisualPrefs now supported nearly completely
    • GeoWorld-Fonts can now stay in the same directory
  • interaction with all requesters now completely by keyboard
  • option to give distances in miles instead of kilometers
  • requester "no information available" now with configurable time-out
  • reworked and expanded prefs window (among others display mode, font, use, save or reset prefs)
  • expansion of the city database for Austria, Switzerland, Brasil and US cities (over 1100 cities with ZUP code, 6119 cities total)
  • expanding the city databases with details about country / state capitals
  • expanding the country databases with details about the Internet abbreviation (e.g. .de, .uk, .us)
  • informations about the databases are now kept in a seperate file, so an expansion of the databases does no longer imply a change of the main program
  • expansion of the info requester
  • rewritten and expanded online help
  • reworked and extremly expanded data about the inhabitants of the countries (over 100 kByte text!!)

The Update Nr. 9 and a up-to-date demo version are available from our homepage (title link), and should appear on Aminet (misc/edu) in the next few days.
Download (Demo): GeoWorld_E.lha (ps)

[News message: 27. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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