Statement about the current status of the warpTrans project by WARP9
Full text translator for English-German, German-English (details at the title link).
Since January 1999, a team based in Netherlands is working on the program.
Based upon a already finished dictionary the implementation has been possible at all.
The language recognition is almost finished, and is unique so far on the Amiga in its
high quality. An integration of this system into other applications is also possible.
To bring the warpTrans project to a final version, the time until November should
Despite announcements, feedback of interested users has been sparse. While
everybody is calling for new, innovative software... One ought to think that such a
program deserved more attention. This does not seem to be the case. It seems like
everything is already there and no one needs something new? (Full text - German - at
title link).
[News message: 24. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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