Michael Burkhardt by eMail
Important info for DraCo users
Computer Corner in Munich just informed us that there is now a new library
for Diavolo Pro Terra. So, MovieShop 5.2 users can make backups of their audio
and video partitions again.
The library is free for registered users and can be ordered from
Computer Corner by eMail. Phone Computer Corner: +49 - (0)89 / 7141034
eMail address: computer.corner@crevico.com
At the same time, Eiperle CGM
informed us that a free update is offered for the CGM DVE Vol. 1 CD-ROM, so
the included macros can continue to be used with MovieShop 5.2.
If that ain't good DraCo news for a change.
[News message: 17. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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