Thomas Wölflick
Jason Kroll: BeOS Release 4.5
Thomas Wölflick writes:
I have found an interesting article in "Be Magazine" at www.bemagazine.com/articles/beos-4.5.html
(title link). There, Jason Kroll writes about the BeOS Release 4.5 in whole, its chances and
future. Especially interesting was the honorable mention of Amiga in the paragraph before the
last one. Here, he writes:
..."One impediment to development, and to users switching to BeOS, is that we don't know for sure
how secure the future will be. For one thing, Amiga, supported by Gateway, is probably in cahoots
with Transmeta, and based on the free Linux kernel, is about to make a monster reappearance,
supposedly based on technologies we have never seen in home computers. How will BeOS fare against
competition from the rebirth of the original multimedia machine?"...
Preliminary congratulations, fear of an undead, or how would you call it?
[News message: 17. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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