Trogladite Software
Job offers...
Trogladite Software are looking for yet more staff.
- 2 2D Graphicians: Needed to do 2 dimensional graphics for games and applications
- 1 3D Graphician: We already have two. We used to have 3 but one's gone AWOL, so we need
- 1 2D Icon and Sprite Designer: Needed to design attractive MWB AND
NewIcons/GlowIcons for our products
- 2 AmigaGuide documentation writers:
For writing documentation for our products based on text we give you. Other things will be
required of you too, not just documentation writing.
- As many permanent beta testers as we can find: To test our products...
- 2 HTML Expert: For use on new projects, Possible online documentation creation too.
- Developers: Any programming language at all! You get an idea for a product, you have
the rest of Trogladite Software at your disposal to help you make it.
- 1 Admin Assistant: Required to help with user interaction and questions.
- Ideas people!: Just give us ideas on what to make!
- Musicians: To create music for our games, etc. MED and Tracker formats only.
If you want to apply, send an email to join@trogsoft.freeserve.co.uk telling
me which post you want, and I'll get back to you within two days.
Thanks. Neil Bullock, Trogladite Software
[News message: 09. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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