Martina Jacobs by eMail
Provider-Info: Biggest search engine worldwide goes online
From the article by Provider-Info:
New FAST search index now contains over 200 million web pages, the whole web in one
year. The unique parallel architecture based on the Dell servers offers the fastest,
latest and most relevant search results.
Fast Search & Transfertm (FASTtm - developer of the leading
search engine technology for the internet - presented FAST Searchtm, The
Worlds Biggest Search Enginetm, to be found at
www.alltheweb.com. FAST is the first company
to develop a search engine with the final goal "All The Web, All The Time"tm.
FAST Search is the result of over a decade of research in the area of optimizing search
algorithms and their architectures, a project originally initiated by the Norsk Institute
for Technology, Trondheim.
Full article see title link.
[News message: 06. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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