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Marc Albrecht by eMail

A.C.T.: Samplitude Special and - lottery!
Marc Albrecht writes:
I offer the following SPECIAL until August 11th, 1999, for all who state "Amiga-News-Aktion" as subject of an ordering eMail:
  • Samplitude Opus FULL VERSION for 127,82 Euro (instead of 204,01 Euro) including p&p within Europe
  • Samplitude Opus UPDATE from LITE or MS to FULL VERSION: 102,26 Euro (instead of 152,88 Euro) including p&p within Europe

Additionally, visitor #250.000 of recieves a Prelude1200 plus Samplitude Opus LITE (combined value: 203,49 Euro)
Marc, a great idea :-). The relevant counter is that from WebHits, on the left. This counter has a reload lock of several hours, so it's not possible to hit reload repeatedly! Screenshot, with time send to (ps)

[News message: 06. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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