Robert Wahnsiedler by eMail
Amiga in K1 Reportage (German TV)
Robert Wahnsiedler writes:
Yesterday, about 1:00 AM, I stumbled across a repeat of "K1 - Die Reportage", and
what did my tired eyes see in a report - an Amiga 4000. :) -.
It was about payment on internet by credit card, and how easy it is being cheated.
They showed an interview with Evrim Serim (sp?), a long-standing Amiga user and
co-author of the book Hackerland. It was briefly shown how easy it is for a "pro"
to hack into a simple site, and read out the credit card data. The interview was
made in his room, where he sat in front of an Amiga 4000, which was easily recognized
by keyboard and desktop. :) The screen was not that much visible, but the great Boing
ball sticking to the monitor :). Great advertising for insiders... :).
[News message: 03. Aug. 1999, 08:00] [Comments: 0]
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