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Andreas Falkenhahn (E-Mail)

Multimedia authoring system: New screen shots from Hollywood
Andreas Falkenhahn writes:
Many people e-mailed me because they wanted more screenshots from Hollywood. Therefore I published 5 new screenshots from a game done with Hollywood and a demo done with Hollywood. More screenshots will be published over the next weeks. All applications whose screenshots are on the Airsoft Softwair homepage are of course included on the Hollywood CD-ROM. (ps)

[News message: 08. Nov. 2002, 23:15] [Comments: 2 - 10. Nov. 2002, 16:13]
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HTML-Tool: HSC and HSC-RPM v0.927
On 06th November 2002 version 0.927 of the HTML-preprocessor "HTML Sucks Completely" (HSC) written by Matthias Bethke has been published. The delivered source code can be compiled on each supported platforms. It has been tested under SuSE Linux 7.3 and HP/UX 10.20. There is also a HTML-documentation available online. Besides this the download archive contains the current preferences and macro files, too. Version 0.927 contains several minor bugfixes. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Nov. 2002, 21:38] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Society

Amiga Society: Update of Ian Chapmans BBoAH
From now on the last update of the Big Book of Amiga Hardware written by Ian Chapman is also available on Amiga Society. Additionally there are minor upadates of the Little Book of Amiga Society. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Nov. 2002, 21:22] [Comments: 0]
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Event: First pictures of Thendic of the ExpoProtection
Thendic France has published first pictures of its stand on the ExpoProtection (SecurityExpo). For the first time Thendic France has officially introduced its Eyecam together with Pegasos/MorphOS on this fair with the topic Safety. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Nov. 2002, 20:35] [Comments: 0]
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ScummVM at

Hardware of the will be changed
On the page of ScummVM at has been announced that between the 14th and 17th December the hardware of the server will be changed. Therefore single offers will be temporarly not available. Please read the following original message: more ... (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Nov. 2002, 19:02] [Comments: 0]
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Ottawa Amiga Show

Event: Ottawa Amiga Show with Randy Hughes of Amiga Inc.
As we have already reported the Ottawa Amiga Show 2002 in Ottawa will take place on 09th November 2002. The team of organization has announced that Randy Hughes of Amiga Inc. will take place on the dinner which will follow after the show and will answer questions. This will take place from 3:30 p.m. on in the Royal Oak. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Nov. 2002, 18:23] [Comments: 0]
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Haage&Partner: Offers
Additionally to the current version of the DTP program PageStream 4.1 (Amiga, Windows, Macintosh) H&P now also offers the professional graphic program ImageFX 4.5 containing the German documentation for a special price. There are also special prices for the OS 3.9 book (second edition), the bundle with OS 3.9 and ArtEffect4 together with the AE Collection. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Nov. 2002, 17:27] [Comments: 0]
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Cloanto (ANF)

Event: WoASE 2002 - Pictures from Cloanto
More pictures, including panorama view, at (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Nov. 2002, 17:09] [Comments: 0]
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Fun Time World

Fun Time World: Situation of Frogger explained
Fun Time World which is the German distributor of the video player software Frogger announces that the development of Frogger has been ensured. Few days ago the author Sebastian Jedruszkiewicz has got uncertain if he offend against GPL and he was going to publish the program as Open Source. Fun Time World wrote: more ... (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 08. Nov. 2002, 17:05] [Comments: 0]
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Hyperion Entertainment (ANF)

Amiga Quake2 Page Online
In cooperation with Daniel Schultz: an Amiga Quake 2 webpage has been started, on which additional material regarding Quake 2 for AmigaOS will be published in the future - such as new mods and levels, whether created by users or downloaded from the server.

Originally there were 41 Quake 2 mods for AmigaOS. Since then there have been another 20 mods. These additional mods will be downloadable from the Quake2 page. So there will be 2 or 3 mods offered for download weekly, just check the page and don't miss them.

To start off, the following three mods are offered:
  • ChaosDM - one of the best Deathmatch mods for Quake 2
  • Star Trek - contains the entire Enterprise as a level (and new weapons)
  • Bots - "Battle of the Sexes" - a CTF Mod, based on classes, in which a male team and a female team go up against each other.
The requirements to be able to use these mods are that you must have Quake2 for Amiga installed. Quake2 is available from retailers now.

Hyperion Entertainment (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 07. Nov. 2002, 21:33] [Comments: 0]
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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: Full Version of WBMenu`97
In cooperation with Manfred L. and with the approval of H. Röhricht Amiga Arena is making possible a further classic full version of WBMenu`97. Here is a snip from the handbook:

WBMenu`97 is a multifunctional high speed data bank system with an intuitive user interface, with which you are placed in a position where you can have an overview and manage and start all of your programs. To this end WBMenu`97 offers functions, for which unless several programs must be inserted, and is an offer to all who wish to get the most from their computers.

Thereby it doesn't matter what particular use you make of your computer. WBMenu`97 is the first program of its type, that can take over full control of the system. Whether it is the binding of hardware drivers or the loading of the Workbench, it's "no problem" for WBMenu '97.

You'll find more information in the handbook for WBMenu`97! (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 07. Nov. 2002, 21:25] [Comments: 0]
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Audio: AHI/PPC 6 only for MorphOS and AmigaOS 4
Martin Blom, the developer of the soundcard driver system AHI, has reiterated that there will be neither PowerUp nor WarpUp versions. There is only the MorphOS version (available) and the AmigaOS 4 version (planned).

Here is his original announcement:

"Yes, indeed, today is November 7th, not July 11th. Anyway, I've been asked to clarify one thing regarding the PPC version of AHI. There will be no WarpUp version, nor will there be any PowerUp version. The reason is that neither of these two systems allow PPC code to be invoked from within an interrupt?, which is an absolute requirement for AHI. The current PPC version is for MorphOS only. In the future, I hope to have an AmigaOS 4 version as well.

1) While it should have been obvious by reading the PowerUp documentation, there is nothing in the WarpUp documentation or the actual design that suggests that it will not work; in WarpUp, it could be possible if the implementation had allowed it. In any case, the days when I could be bothered to write for a mixed CPU system are since long gone..." (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 07. Nov. 2002, 19:06] [Comments: 0]
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Hyperion Entertainment (ANF)

Quake2 Amiga Port Available
On the 2nd of November 2002 at the WOASE convention in London, Quake 2 for AmigaOS officially went on sale. The game was demonstrated in a "Death Match" between three Amigas. It ran a custom level which was specially created for the convention. The network server was a PC, in order to demonstrate that PC users and Amigans may play in the same TCP/IP multiplayer network, however naturally an Amiga could also be used as a server. The Quake2 packet for Amiga contains an easy-to-use installer script, a startup GUI, and documentation in AmigaGuide format, including the original version of Quake2 for Windows, which contains the data files.

Over 55 Quake2 mods are to be offered for Quake2 through different channels, including the Internet.

Quake2 for AmigaOS will become available from your local Amiga dealer sometime this week. The price may vary from dealer to dealer.

Hyperion Entertainment (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 07. Nov. 2002, 18:57] [Comments: 0]
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Ralph Ewers (ANF)

Sendo Z100 Will Not Appear
Setback for Bill McEwen: The Sendo Z100 will not appear. Even in his Executive Update at the beginning of November, 2002, McEwen was announcing (under point 6) that the Sendo Z100 with the "SmartPhonePacks" would be produced.

In the article from Heise "Setback for Microsoft's Handy-Operating System" (see title link) it is made clear that presumably nothing will come of the market introduction of Amiga Anywhere on this Handy. Sendo released the following in a special announcement: more ... (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 07. Nov. 2002, 15:03] [Comments: 0]
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Pegasos in the Microwave and Three More Bundles
After the successful appearance of Thendic-France and bPlan at the World of Amiga South-East 2002 last Saturday, some new Pegasos-related developments became known. The first four Pegasos-bundles have been determined:
  • The unusual "VideoMicrowave" is a remodeled steel microwave with an LCD display as the door and a Pegasos board on the inside. You'll find information at
  • The "Development Suite" is a developer package for the Pegasos, Eclipsis, and Pegasos server stack.
  • The "Pega-shush" is a home-server for the long-endurance business of integrating with other entertainment electronics. The communications occur over a 802.11b network card.
  • The "Games Package" is an offer especially for friends of good game value. More details will be announced at

On the 16th of November Thendic-France will spend some time in Poland at the Amiga Show 2002, and they are going to bring a bunch of Pegasos equipment to test on the basis of a new ISO installation [new MorphOS version - dm]. This will be the first showing of the Pegasos Wireless Camera with the display software to be seen on an iPAQ (this is just a temporary solution until the Eclipsis prototype is ready). (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 07. Nov. 2002, 14:47] [Comments: 0]
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ScummVM News: It's a SCUMMy job, but someone's...
ScummVM is an engine, an engine which enables you to play the old classics of LucasArts such as The Dig, Indiana Jones 1 & 2, and Sam & Max under AmigaOS and MorphOS.

After the license discussion with LucasArts the contact with the American operation was broken off. As long as LucasArts doesn't respond with a veto of the software, work will proceed energetically on ScummVM-Release 0.3.0, which will support the following games:
  • Zak McKracken (FmTowns 256 Color Version)
  • Monkey Island (VGA Floppy and Enhanced CD)
  • Monkey Island II
  • Loom (CD Talkie version)
  • Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
  • Day of the Tentacle
  • Sam and Max Hit the Road
  • The Dig
  • Simon The Sorcerer 1

The next big release, 0.4.0, will support the following games:
  • Simon The Sorcerer 2
  • Full Throttle
  • Indiana Jones and Last Crusade (256 color version)

How can you as a user help? You can test the supported titles and report the mistakes that make it impossible to complete the game. You should go over the details at Information on Release 0.3.0. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 07. Nov. 2002, 14:36] [Comments: 0]
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GFX-Base: Interview with Arkadiusz Wahlig
Under the title link you'll find an English-language interview by GFX-Base with Arkadiusz Wahlig, the author of the Workbench-extending DepthMenu. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 07. Nov. 2002, 14:30] [Comments: 0]
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Antivirus Program: VirusExecutor Version 2.28
Jan Erik Olausen has updated his antivirus software VirusExecutor:

Name: VirusExecutor v2.28
Archive Name: VirusExecutor.lha
Archive Size: 306.337 Bytes
Date: 06. November 2002
Programmer: Jan Erik Olausen - vht-dk
Requirements: AmigaOS 2.04, xvs.library (inkl.), reqtools.library, xfdmaster.library, xadmaster.library

Further information and the possibility to download VE may be found under the title link. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 07. Nov. 2002, 14:27] [Comments: 0]
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Merlancia Industries Has Moved
The US American Amiga hardware distributor and retailer Merlancia Industries announced a move of its office and warehouse. The new address:

Merlancia Industries
9034 N 23rd Ave, Ste 2
Phoenix, AZ 85021
United States of America

The telephone number and Internet contact addresses are unchanged. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 07. Nov. 2002, 14:21] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOne Complete Systems
Eyetech has identified (under the title link) the configuartions for two AmigaOne complete systems, the AmigaOne starter systems:

Eyetech AmigaOne Starter:
  • available with the AmigaOneG3-SE (750CXe G3 cpu @600MHz) or AmigaOne-XE (7451 G4 cpu @800MHz) motherboard
  • 20 GB HD
  • 56x CD-ROM
  • 128 MB RAM
  • CPU Cooler
  • Floppy Drive
  • Soundblaster Live Soundcard
  • ATI or Similar low-end graphic card, AGP, Linux and OS4 compatible
  • PS/2-Keyboard and Mouse
  • 7-bay Midi ATX-Tower
  • SuSE Linux PPC Distribution inc. Instructions
  • LinuxPPC & UAE Preinstalled
  • OS4-specialized BIOS (& OS4-License with Earlybird-Systems that are ordered and paid for before 31st December, 2002)
  • Onboard-Ethernet and USB
  • Bundled, Tested, and Assembled

AmigaOne Power System:
  • available with AmigaOneG3-SE (750CXe G3 cpu @600MHz) or AmigaOne-XE (7451 G4 cpu @800MHz) motherboard
  • 80 GB HD
  • CDRewriter
  • 512 MB RAM
  • CPU Cooler
  • Floppy Drive
  • Soundblaster Live Soundcard
  • ATI Radeon 8500 Graphic Card
  • PS/2-Multimedia-Keyboard
  • Optical, Cable-less, Unencumbered Mouse
  • 7-bay Midi ATX Tower
  • SuSE Linux PPC Distribution inc. Instructions
  • LinuxPPC & UAE preinstalled
  • OS4-specialized BIOS (& OS4-License with Earlybird-Systems that are ordered and paid for before 31st December, 2002)
  • Onboard Ethernet and USB
  • Bundled, Tested, and Assembled
(ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 07. Nov. 2002, 14:19] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Inc.

Amiga to create games and other content for Microsoft Windows ...
Amiga to create games and other content for Microsoft Windows for Smartphone 2002 Software

Snoqualmie, WA, Nov 6, 2002 - Amiga, a leader in games and entertainment software, today announced the release of games targeting Windows Powered Smartphones. Using the Amiga Anywhere Content Engine and their new "App Pak" technology, applications written for Windows Powered Pocket PC handheld computers will now be available for Smartphones as well. In addition, Amiga intends to build specific games and productivity applications that take advantage of the unique characteristics of devices running Microsoft Windows for Smartphone.

"Amiga has partnered with Microsoft to create the best experience for games and entertainment on Smartphone devices", said Bill McEwen, CEO of Amiga. "We have been an early adopter of Microsoft Windows for Smartphone because of our belief that it can revolutionize the mobile experience. With our new App Pak technology, users can access applications on their PDA or Smartphone without having to install them from their personal computer."

App Pak applications are distributed on memory cards. Users will be able to purchase the cards from their retail store and immediately use them. In less than 60 seconds, users can enjoy games and other applications with just by inserting their card. Just insert the card in the appropriate slot, click, and play. App Pak applications use little storage space on local systems making them more functional for PDA and Smartphone devices with limited resources.

"The Windows Powered Smartphone enables users to do what they want, when they want, from business productivity to entertainment," said Mary Rose Becker, group marketing manager for Mobile Devices at Microsoft Corp. "We're thrilled that Amiga is releasing it's games for the Smartphone platform, providing our mutual customers with compelling entertainment options."

Amiga will begin shipping games and other applications for Smartphone in time for the holiday season this year. To learn more about Amiga visit or Developers who want to receive more information regarding developing content for Amiga Anywhere can sign up at

About Amiga
Amiga Inc. established itself in 1985 as the premier provider of multi-media technologies in the world. Today, Amiga continues leading the way in multi-media by providing language independent technologies to developers for writing and porting applications to a new multi-media platform that is hardware agnostic. AmigaDE, powered with intent(TM) from the Tao Group, enables applications to run unchanged on a broad range of processors including ARM, StrongARM, Intel X-Scale, MIPS, Intel x86, Motorola 68K and Hitachi SH. It can run hosted on a wide variety of operating systems including Windows CE .NET, Windows 9x, 2000, Windows XP, Linux, and Embedded Linux. Amiga is based in Snoqualmie, WA, and has offices worldwide.

All trademarks, brand or product names are the property of their respective owners.

For more information, press only:
Bill McEwen,
Tel: 206-383-3576
Fax: 425-432-0608 (ps)

[News message: 07. Nov. 2002, 13:27] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Sahle (ANF)

Emulator: UAEx - Amiga-Emulator for the XBox
On (under the title link) an Amiga emulator for the X-box is being worked on. The first appearing Beta v. 0.3 is available for download.

[download link removed, because apparently there is a KickROM there.] (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 07. Nov. 2002, 13:02] [Comments: 0]
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Scott Pistorino (ANF)

AmigaSource: Exclusive interview with Ben Hermans
Scott Pistorino writes:
AmigaSource is proud to announce what hopes to be the first of many interviews with the big names in the Amiga Community. Drop on by and read the exclusive interview with Ben Hermans of Hyperion Entertainment! (ps)

[News message: 07. Nov. 2002, 12:52] [Comments: 0]
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Mariusz Wloczysiak (E-Mail)

Elbox: Mediator Expansion Continues: Mediator PCI 4000Di
Elbox writes:
Elbox Computer, the real & creative manufacturer of hardware for Amiga computers, the pathfinder for the PCI standard in Amiga computers, is proud to announce expansion of the MEDIATOR busboard product line with the new Mediator model for Amiga 4000D computers: the Mediator PCI 4000Di. more ... (ps)

[News message: 06. Nov. 2002, 23:49] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet CD #51 - October 2002
Today I got the new Aminet CD #51. Stuffed with more than 500 MB (unpacked) of new releases within hundreds of archives. As a highlight the well known game Foundation - The Directors Cut is included.

The Aminet is the largest Amiga PD archive worldwide. Up to 40.000 users access it daily and several programmers publish their new software directly at the Aminet. During the eight years of existence the Aminet reached, converted, an extend of more than 40.000 floppy disks (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 06. Nov. 2002, 13:10] [Comments: 0]
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Mariusz Wloczysiak (E-Mail)

Elbox: New driver for Spider USB 2.0 Hi-Speed card
The SpiderUP 1.9 update for the Spider USB 2.0 High-Speed card has been made available today. Changes in usb.device ver.1.9: more ... (ps)

[News message: 06. Nov. 2002, 11:03] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Heine (ANF)

Event: Betatester II conference held in Aachen
Due to a statement by Bill Buck and Raquel Velasco of Thendic France at the originally planned for being held in Frankfurt at December the 14th/15th Betatester II conference will now be joined with the "Amiga and Retrocomputing Fair" in Aachen on December 7th/8th. Among other things they will appear with 50 Pegasos computers to be tested by the visitors. Further information by the title link. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 06. Nov. 2002, 10:47] [Comments: 0]
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AmigArt: Boot Log of ExecSG Kernel on AmigaOne G3 and G4
Hyperion Entertainment has allowed us to publish a boot log of ExecSG Kernel running on AmigaOne G3 and AmigaOne G4. For further information see title link. (ps)

[News message: 05. Nov. 2002, 21:25] [Comments: 0]
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Austria: opens new store
A positive news for all Austrian Amiga fans: has opened a new store on 08.11.02 in Graz. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 05. Nov. 2002, 20:49] [Comments: 0]
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Audio: AHI 6 PPC in progress
Martin Blom refers on the website of the sound card driver system AHI that soon a stable version 6 of AHI for the PPC-Amiga will be available. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 05. Nov. 2002, 20:06] [Comments: 0]
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Emulator: MAME-MOS with AHI-Support
The from Fabien Couerjoly ported version of the arcade emulator MAME for MorphOS now supports AHI and was optimized in video speed. (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 05. Nov. 2002, 19:55] [Comments: 0]
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Installer: WHDLoad - New packets (until 04.11.2002)
With WHDLoad you can install games on your hard drive which were originally made only for use with disks. The following packets have been added or updated since our last message: more ... (ps)

[News message: 05. Nov. 2002, 19:20] [Comments: 0]
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Jens Schönfeld (tel.)

Event: ARC 2002 - Info-space for shareware-authors at reduced prices
Starting today, shareware-authors can book cheap info-space on the Amiga + Retro Computing 2002 (ARC 2002) with one table and one chair for 100,- EUR. If you're interested in this offer, please contact Jens Schönfeld.

A perfect opportunity for shareware-authors to make direct contact with customers! (ps)

[News message: 05. Nov. 2002, 13:18] [Comments: 0]
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Amigan Software

Game: Saga Version 1.22
The game Saga is released in version 1.22. It is a conversion of the board game Saga: Age of Heroes released 1981 by TSR. It is for up to 6 players, human or Amiga. The game is about defeating monsters, finding treasures and support great kingdoms to be famous and heroic. more ... (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 05. Nov. 2002, 12:40] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Falkenhahn (E-Mail)

Multimedia authoring system: Hollywood available
Andreas Falkenhahn wrote:
Finally! After a long time of development, the Multimedia authoring system Hollywood is available. Hollywood is a powerful and extensive program which is unique on the Amiga. You could compare Hollywood with a modern version of Scala: But Hollywood works fully in 24bit mode and uses only system functions to grant compatibility on every Amiga system. Because of this extreme system friendly programming Hollywood does also run on Amiga emulators with great speed. Versions of Hollywood for MorphOS and AmigaOS4 and maybe also AROS are planned. On the Hollywood product page you will find an extensive overview including screenshots from the program. In the next days some applications done with Hollywood will be presented here. Hollywood is delivered on CD-ROM and can be ordered now. more ... (ps)

[News message: 05. Nov. 2002, 00:25] [Comments: 2 - 07. Nov. 2002, 01:32]
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05.Nov.2002 (ANF)

Pixelartists and Coder for inofficial Turrican 4 needed
The team of the Turrican 4 ever project (title link) is looking for pixelartists and coders for the realisation of an inofficial Turrican 4 game. The finished game can be downloaded for free. more ... (ps) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 05. Nov. 2002, 00:09] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future Betatester II Quickstart Guide
On, Jürgen Lucas has published 'Betatester II Quickstart Guide', a quickstart guide (sic) to the Pegasos with the MorphOS 1.0 CD, which gives assitance with problems. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2002, 22:40] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Peter Hutchison: New printer and Amiga error guides
Peter Hutchison has published two new guides on his home page. more ... (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2002, 22:40] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

CUCUG Status Register 10/2002
The CUCUG Status Register as of October 2002 has been published. In the Status Register, the club reports regularly about its own meetings and the areas of Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and PC. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2002, 22:39] [Comments: 0]
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Pixel Art (E-Mail)

Pixel Art: Wallpapers for Pegasos and MorphOS
New wallpapers for Pegasos and MorphOS have been published on Pixel Art. These are ready for download.

Download: (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2002, 20:10] [Comments: 0]
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Event: SAUG 20th Oct. 2002 - Photos of AmigaOne
On 20th October 2002, the AmigaOne was presented at the meeting of the SAUG in Australia. SAUG member Ross Vumbaca, who develops on the AmigaOne, did the presentation. He gave a survey about the AmigaOne board and the computer's PPCBoot BIOS. From 4.30pm it was Q&A time with Alan Redhouse.

Pictures of this meeting have been published on (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2002, 18:31] [Comments: 0]
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John Chandler: World of Amiga
John Chandler writes a regular column on the Amiga at In his new article he reports about the World of Amiga South East which took place on 2nd November 2002 in Essex, England. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2002, 17:53] [Comments: 0]
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Event: WoASE 2002 - Photos and reports (update)
SEAL have published photos of the World of Amiga South East 2002. A full report is to be published in the next days. (sd)

Update 04th November 2002:
More pictures and reports:
(ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2002, 17:22] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

Anti virus program: VirusExecutor V2.27
Jan Erik Olausen has released version 2.27 of 'VirusExecutor', his anti virus program. This version fixes some serious problems of version 2.26, its predecessor.

At the same time, the anti virus boot disks for VirusExecutor have also been updated.

Download: VirusExecutor227.lha (305 741 Bytes), Readme (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2002, 17:15] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

Game: dynAMIte V2.2a
On 1st November 2002, an update to the networkable Bomberman/Dynablaster clone 'dynAMIte' has been released. This update contains various bug fixes, a.o.t. of the high score. more ... (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2002, 16:57] [Comments: 0]
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Steffen Häuser (ANF)

"Magic Engine" port for AmigaOS?
Steffen Häuser wrote:
I had discussed with the author of "Magic Engine", the best PC Engine emulator, an Amiga version. He answered to me that he'd do one "if enough people would ask for one, right now only a dozen of people have done so". His email address is: People who write to him, please be kind. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 02. Nov. 2002, 22:50] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Stand (ANF)

Review of Sendo Z100 in magazine "Mobilfunknews"
In issue #6 of the magazine "Mobilfunknews" is a review of the Sendo Z100. All features are introduced (and that are quite a number). The software platform Amiga Anywhere is also named. The result of the editors: "...We are convinced in any case that you can't buy a better Smartphone for the money in Germany (yet)...". (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 02. Nov. 2002, 20:40] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

Event: first reports and photos from the WoA-SE 2002
AmigaArt reports that Hyperion demonstrated ExecSG (the kernel of OS4) on an AmigaOne, a screenshot is available as well. The computer seems to boot into an "OS4 mini shell".

Ian Stedman has released on his homepage first pictures from the show. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 02. Nov. 2002, 20:37] [Comments: 0]
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Lars 'Ghandy' Sobiraj (ANF)

New demo by Surprise Productions!
The Dutch programmer Mirrorman by Surprise Productions has today released a new demo with the name "Eine kleine Nachtmusik". This production is in any case worth being tried even with the archive being very big in size with 10 MB. Comments regarding this demo can be placed at the following URL:

Download: EineKleinenachtMusik.lha (ca. 10 MB) (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 02. Nov. 2002, 17:17] [Comments: 0]
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Computer City

Computer City: Amiga keyboards - Cherry Cybo@rd Amiga Edition now available
The Dutch retailer Computer City announces that the Amiga keyboards with Amiga logo can now be delivered after some problems. The product line is called 'Chrerry Cybo@rd Amiga Edition'. Read the original message now. more ... (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 02. Nov. 2002, 15:55] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

Amiga Inc.: New Executive update
Following the title link you can find the latest Executive update by Bill McEwen. Some new products are announced, among others several "Game Packs" for Smartphones and PocketPCs. These products will be distributed obviously via big retailer groups in the USA and in England. Furthermore it is explained why the Amiga Inc. bureaus couldn't be reached (they moved to other rooms):

Bill McEwen - November 2, 2002
Greetings One and All:

What a great weekend is in store for Amiga and those attending the World of Amiga, and for those of you not attending I am sure that you will be pleased with the progress that we have made as a company towards shipping new products.

As you may remember from our last update we have broken up the company into two separate units. We have the desktop team focusing their attention on the AmigaOne and OS 4.0, and we have the Mobile Team who is focusing their attention on Amiga Anywhere and the content creation and distribution on the various products and platforms that we support.

These changes and the amazing hard work is now ready to be shown and announced to all of you. Not only are you going to see new products, but we have been able to sign up some pretty heavy hitters with regards to new distribution and new retail availability of these new products.

The Desktop team is focused on new products and services for the Amiga community, and the Mobile team is focused on products and services that are for the extended Amiga community, with our initial offerings targeted at the Pocket PC, Pocket PC Phone Edition, and the SmartPhone. Our first customer for the SmartPhone was announced with Sendo as our partner for their Z100 phone, and now you will read about our next offering for PocketPC and PocketPC phone edition below.

Now we can begin the transformation from a development company to a company shipping products that you are able to go out and purchase for yourselves.

With the above mentioned, here we go:
  1. The office is moving and we will have the new address, and contact information up in the next week. So there is no need to worry about what is happening with the office, the change has been good for us. We needed to move into an area that is closer to the services and to the companies that we are working with.
  2. AmigaOne is ready to fly, and I have attached the news from Eyetech here with this update. So congratulations to all and the community for your new Amiga hardware.
  3. OS 4.0 is almost complete, and the Hyperion team is working very hard to get everything ready. They were delayed by having to complete some low-level work on the AmigaOne, and with their work completed they are ready to crank out the last remaining bit of work to provide a stellar achievement and package.
  4. There will be some announcements coming in the next couple of weeks from third parties who are now creating versions of their software for OS 4.0 and I have agreed not to steal their thunder but will have them make their own announcements first and then we will carry them on our site after they have made them.
  5. Amiga Games Pocket Paks will be available around the Thanksgiving holidays through several resellers in the US and in England, including CompUSA and mmO2 in England. Yes, what you are reading is correct. Amiga Games Pocket Paks volumes one and two will be shipping and ready this year at 29.95 each from several authorized retailers in the US and through mmO2 retail locations in England. These Pocket Paks include 4 game titles each, and we have two more packs following. This is great news as thousands of new customers here and in England are going to be able to experience Amiga Content on their Pocket PC, and Pocket PC Phone Edition devices.
  6. Amiga is also making available for release before Christmas Amiga SmartPhone Packs. These will be similar to the Pocket Paks, but targeted for the new SmartPhones coming out this year. As you know they will run on the new Sendo Z100, and they will be available for the new phones being offered by Orange also.
There are several more product announcements and partnerships coming in the next few weeks, but as mentioned before until it is real and ready, we will wait. So some very big news with the readiness of the AmigaOne and OS 4.0 within the last 10% of completion, and the availability of Amiga content being sold through National retailers in the US and England, I would have to say that we have been very busy indeed.

So again I thank you for your patience and support, and now the next steps in our development begins. The transformation from development of products to shipment of products, has begun. I am really looking forward to the next grouping of announcements, and product shipments.

Keeping the faith, and keeping it moving forward,

Bill McEwen and the rest of the Amiga Team (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 02. Nov. 2002, 15:33] [Comments: 0]
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Event: small pictures report from AmCluSt hardware meeting
Following the title link you can find my small pictures report from this year's hardware meeting of the AmCluSt that I had visited yesterday.

The meeting is taking place right now in Dreierwalde near Rheine. Details about the meeting can be found here. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 02. Nov. 2002, 15:31] [Comments: 0]
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Andreas Magerl (ANF)

Workbench-gallery update
Today the Workbench-gallery on Amiga Future Homepage has been updated. This time more than 20 screenshots have been added. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Nov. 2002, 16:24] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

Eyetech: AmigaOneG3-SE and AmigaOne-XE Earlybird Systems now on sale!
Press release: We're there at last. Since the previous update to the AmigaOne section over 6 months ago the AmigaOne boards have been in the hands of our developers, and as a result of their feedback, the original firmware which we were to have shipped with the board (by Softex) has been replaced by specially adopted PPCBoot code. That, and identifying - and fixing a small problem with the Articia northbridge chip - have resulted in us holding back shipments of the consumer version of the AmigaOneG3-SE. That is until now!

During this period work has also continued with the AmigaOne-XE design (which has replaceable cpu modules). This design is now ready to go into production alongside the AmigaOneG3-SE. And perhaps the best news of all is that the G4 cpu is now available in moderate quantities, on acceptable delivery and price terms such that we are now able to offer a G4-based AmigaOne-XE at the same time as our public launch of the AmigaOneG3-SE.

The upshot is that we are taking orders for both the 600MHz G3-based AmigaOneG3-SE, and the 800MHz G4-based AmigaOne-XE, starting at the WoA-SE show on 2nd November 2002 - for delivery before Christmas (and, yes, for the cynics out there, we really do mean Christmas 2002!). A 700MHz G3 (750FX cpu) version of the AmigaOne-XE will be made available - at reduced cost - early in 2003.

But what about OS4 I hear you say - is that now ready? OS4 is now highly advanced, but no, is not currently ready for shipping, largely because Hyperion have had to divert a considerable amount of their time and effort in sorting out the AmigaOne's PPCBoot firmware. Our best estimate is that OS4 for the AmigaOne will ship early in 2003.

So why order an AmigaOne now? Well over the last six months we have had overwhelming demand from both dealers and individuals to ship the AmigaOne hardware - both boards and pre-built systems - now, together with LinuxPPC and UAE, in advance of OS4 being available. In addition this 'Earlybird' offer this also helps us spread the testing, assembly and despatch operations of the AmigaOne boards and systems over a number of weeks, which in turn helps us keep our own costs in check. So, in return, we are offering all users who wish to take up this 'Earlybird' offer a free, registered, copy of OS4 for the AmigaOne as soon as it becomes available. The Earlybird 'free OS4' offer represents a saving of around 12% on an AmigaOneG3-SE motherboard

This of course will not suit everybody, and if you want a switch-on-and-go AmigaOne system then this Earlybird offer is not for you. In this case we're afraid that you have a few more weeks to wait. However if it does suit you then don't delay - this offer is for boards and systems ordered up to and including 31st December 2002 or when OS4 becomes available, whichever comes first. Thereafter OS4 will become a separately chargeable item

As for prices, these have been revised to reflect currency movements since they were originally announced last March, particularly the weakness of the US dollar. Your local dealer will have the local currency prices for the AmigaOne outside the UK and the Eurozone. However the suggested prices in Europe - in UKP and Euro's - are as follows:

Board CPU UKP Euro
AmigaOneG3-SE G3 750CXe@600MHz 360.00 580.00
AmigaOne-XE G3 750FX@700MHz 450.00 725.00
AmigaOne-XE G4 7451@800MHz 500.00 800.00

These prices exclude local taxes, shipping and (apart from the Earlybird offer) OS4.

As far as complete systems are concerned, your local dealer will be able to provide quotations for standard and custom built configurations. Sample prices and configurations for systems which we ourselves offer in the UK are here.

Below is a table listing the comparative features of the AmigaOneG3-SE and the G3 and G4 versions of the AmigaOne-XE.

Item AmigaOneG3-SE AmigaOne-XL (G3) AmigaOne-XL (G4)
CPU 750CXe 750FX 7451
CPU speed 600MHz 700MHz 800MHz
CPU upgradable No Yes Yes
CPU socket No Yes Yes
Max memory 2GB 2GB 2GB
Memory type DIMM Registered 133 DIMM Registered 133 DIMM Registered 133
Northbridge Articia 'S' with fix Articia 'S' with fix Articia 'S' with fix
Southbridge VIA 82C686B VIA 82C686B VIA 82C686B
PCI 33MHz 3 Slots 3 Slots 3 Slots
PCI 66MHz 1 Slot 1 Slot 1 Slot
AGP speed 2x 2x 2x
Ethernet chip 3COM 820C 3COM 820C 3COM 820C
USB ports 2 back plate+2headers 2 back plate+2headers 2 back plate+2headers
PS2 ports Keyboard + mouse Keyboard + mouse Keyboard + mouse
Serial ports 2 x 16650 equivalent 2 x 16650 equivalent 2 x 16650 equivalent
Parallel port 1 x EPP/ECP 1 x EPP/ECP 1 x EPP/ECP
IRDA port On header On header On header
Firmware PPCBoot + OS4 enabler PPCBoot+OS4 enabler PPCBoot+OS4 enabler
O/S capability LinuxPPC + OS4 LinuxPPC + OS4 LinuxPPC + OS4

[News message: 01. Nov. 2002, 16:21] [Comments: 2 - 06. Nov. 2002, 11:07]
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Christian Effenberger (ANF)

Event: WebCam of AmCluSt meeting
As we have already reported you can watch the AmCluSt hardware meeting of this year via webcam from today on. From 1st until 3rd November 2002 the following hardware is being shown:
  • Pegasos
  • Amithlon (version with newest drivers, AmithlonTV)
  • G-Rex (e.g. A4000T-Modell 1. serie-model)
  • Mediator 4000D
  • Prometheus
  • MMKeyboard
  • Keyboard-adapter
  • Mouse-adapter with Wheel-support
  • Amiga-museum of Dirk Hase from A1000 to A4000T
You can find the link to the webcam under the title link. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Nov. 2002, 16:03] [Comments: 0]
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Brad Webb (E-Mail)

Amiga Update Newsletter by Brad Webb #021031
Below you will find the complete newsletter of Amiga Update (Brad Webb) for October, 2002. more ... (ps)

[News message: 01. Nov. 2002, 10:49] [Comments: 0]
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Robin Cloutman (ANF)

RC-FTPd offer at WOASE
For the duration of WOASE, I'll be offering rc-ftpd registration for the reduced price of £10, instead of the usual $20 (£13 + commision).

As I'm feeling nice, and am completely broke (petrol and entrance money only), while I'm at WOASE people will be able to register rc-ftpd in cash, in pounds, and in person. I'll take their details and give them a receipt, they'll get the personal keyfile when I get home and email them out :-)

See my website (above) for how to recognise me. (ps)

[News message: 01. Nov. 2002, 10:28] [Comments: 0]
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