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Archiv 'Neue Hard- und Softwareprodukte'

Thomas Würgler (E-Mail)

Pagan Games stellt neues AmigaAnywhere-Spiel in Aussicht
Thomas Würgler von Pagan Games schreibt:
As some of you have probably noticed, the Amiga Game Pack #2 has now been released into retail stores - name CompUSA. Obviously this is a big step towards true financial viability of Amiga Anywhere projects, which again helps fund AmigaOS projects.

We are getting closer to finalizing another project for Amiga Anywhere, and look forward to getting it to a state where we can show it to you.

Besides that we are still working hard on our Dreamcast shoot 'em up project, and we can't wait to show you what we've got in the works. Hopefully we'll be able to show some of it off before summer.

This was just a quick update, which will be followed a more thorough one, when we have more to share - hopefully in the near future. (nba)

[Meldung: 15. Mai. 2003, 16:59] [Kommentare: 12 - 18. Mai. 2003, 05:45]
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Rage Hard (Website)

Website zu Rage Hard mit neuen Informationen
Die offizielle Website zum 3D-Ego-Shooter Rage Hard, der auch für MorphOS angekündigt wurde, wurde umgestellt und erweitert. Im Download-Bereich befinden sich jetzt einige Wallpapers in verschiedenen Auflösungen. Ebenso sind in den Bereichen Home, Characters und Concepts neue Hintergrundinfos bzw. neue Modelle online gestellt worden. (nba)

[Meldung: 15. Mai. 2003, 16:45] [Kommentare: 22 - 16. Mai. 2003, 23:23]
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Arstechnica (ANF)

Arstechnica: PPC 970 Part II
Unter dem Titellink lesen Sie einen Bericht über den PowerPC 970, der von einem Spezialisten für CPUs, insbesondere Intel-Centristic, verfasst wurde. Trotz oder gerade wegen seiner Länge mit 11.000 Wörtern ist dieses Werk eine Pflichtlektüre für PowerPC-Anhänger. (nba)

[Meldung: 15. Mai. 2003, 12:33] [Kommentare: 3 - 15. Mai. 2003, 13:50]
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Fabio Trotta (ANF)

Apple-kompatible PPC-Rechner von Core
Unter den Namen CoreCrib und CoreBox bietet die Firma Core Apple-kompatible PPC-Rechner an. Diese weisen die selben technischen Daten wie die High-End Macs auf, sind aber wesentlich günstiger. (ps)

[Meldung: 14. Mai. 2003, 18:53] [Kommentare: 24 - 15. Mai. 2003, 19:00]
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Newsletter von Cinemaware (ANF)

Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown 2 im 3. Quartal 2003
Laut dem Newsletter von Cinemaware ist DotC2 kurz vor der Fertigstellung. Deswegen hat man neue Screenshots online gestellt (ein Trailer und weitere Infos sind ebenfalls verfügbar). Erscheinen soll es (vorerst) für PC und PS2. Zur Feier des Tages wurden Disk-Images sämtlicher alter Versionen (C64, Amiga, Amstrad, PC...) wieder verfügbar gemacht.

Nachfolgend der Newsletter im Original (ohne hinterlegte Links):

Hey Cinemaware fans!

I know things have been quiet for a while from your ol' pal Amber over at Cinemaware, but we've just been preparing to take the lid off some really exciting news!

How exciting, you ask? Well, after months of patient waiting, I can finally reveal to our fans who will be publishing Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown. Cinemaware is proud to be partnering with Capcom Entertainment to bring Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown to living rooms across everywhere!

I can't tell you all how happy we all are to be working with one of the premier publishers in the world to bring Defender of the Crown back to the fans. And I want to give special thanks to you fans out there who have been waiting for this day -- we couldn't have done it without your support!

Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown will be launching in North America in the third quarter of 2003! Head on over to the this news story to get the full scoop! The exciting news is already starting to hit the web, though. Check out this story over at GameSpot!

If any of you happen to make it to E3 (the Electronic Entertainment Expo) this week in Los Angeles, drop by the Capcom booth and say hello! We'll be showing the game at two kiosks, so come on by and give it a whirl. If you can't make it to the show, keep an eye on online news, as there's sure to be a lot of hands-on impressions from the show floor.

But until then, we've put up a big batch of brand new screens from the game. Go take a gander at the Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown Product Page.

Lastly, to celebrate this exciting news, we've once again made disk images of all version of the original Defender of the Crown available for download! This includes all versions of the original classic from Amiga to Amstrad! Head over to the Defender of the Crown vault to get your hands on 'em!

That's it for this newsletter, but I'll be back soon to update you all on the exact date for Robin Hood's release!

All the best,

Amber :D

[Meldung: 13. Mai. 2003, 22:32] [Kommentare: 9 - 15. Mai. 2003, 21:36]
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Virus Hewlp Denmark (ANF)

Virus Help: New update of xvs.library
A new update of the "xvs.library' (xvs.library - The eXternal Virus Scanner Library) has been updated today, and can be found at the "Virus Help Team's websites". Remember, if your use the antivirus programs like ec. VirusZ, VirusExecuter, VirusChecker, Mill this update of XVS is a MUST for you.

Info about the new update:

Name: xvs.library v33.40
Archive name: xvslibrary.lha
Archive size: 93.637 bytes
Release date: 13 May 2003
Programmer: Georg Hoermann

News is v33.40: (Size: 61.912 bytes)
  • Added file recognition for some very old installer programs of the following bootblock viruses: Blizzard, CLI-Manager, SystemZ 5.0 and SystemZ 6.4. Thanks to Dirk Stöcker for sending the files.
  • Added special recognition for "Zeeball AV-Testfile" from Zeeball's antivirus test archive.
  • Changed several often-used CacheClearU() calls to CacheClearE() for better performance on JIT 68k emulated systems (file analysis and repair code for polymorphic linkviruses have not been changed, as these only get called if some patterns match first). Thanks to Harry Sintonen for the hint.
  • Fixed bug in xvsCheckFile() that accessed two bytes following the actual file buffer under certain circumstances. Thanks must go to Mikolaj Calusinski for the report and for beta-testing.
  • Did some compatibility fixes for Pegasos/MorphOS systems. Thanks again to Harry Sintonen for the report and for beta-testing.
  • Replaced old installer script with an updated version written once again by Dave 'Targhan' Crawford. Thanks!
BTW: Georg Hoerman will change his email in the near future, his new email is

Kind regards...

Virus Help Team DK, NL & CAN
Jan, Denmark
Alex, Holland
Charlene, Canada

[Meldung: 13. Mai. 2003, 19:31] [Kommentare: 2 - 14. Mai. 2003, 17:24]
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Dany Thinnes (ANF)

Software zur Kostenkontrolle für nicht DSL-Nutzer: TH-Verbindung V1.1
TH-Verbindung Version 1.1 ist für die Surfer gedacht, die keine Flatrate haben oder nur selten im Netz unterwegs sind. Es können verschiedene Minutenpreise für Haupt- und Nebenzeit sowie für den Verbindungsaufbau eingestellt werden. Zudem wird auch auf Wochenenden und Feiertage Rücksicht genommen.

Aus dem Programm selbst heraus kann Miami gestartet, die Verbindung aufgenommen und getrennt werden. Die bislang entstandenen Kosten werden in Euro angezeigt. Angezeigt wird weiterhin auch die Anzahl der bisher gesurften Minuten, der augenblickliche Status der Verbindung sowie die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit.

Geschrieben und getestet wurde das Programm auf einem DraCo 060 mit AmigaOS 3.9.

Autor: Dany Thinnes -
Download: home-thverbindung.lha (ps)

[Meldung: 13. Mai. 2003, 12:40] [Kommentare: 13 - 14. Mai. 2003, 15:45]
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