Thomas Würgler (E-Mail)
Pagan Games stellt neues AmigaAnywhere-Spiel in Aussicht
Thomas Würgler von Pagan Games schreibt:
As some of you have probably noticed, the Amiga Game Pack #2 has now been
released into retail stores - name CompUSA. Obviously this is a big step
towards true financial viability of Amiga Anywhere projects, which again
helps fund AmigaOS projects.
We are getting closer to finalizing another project for Amiga Anywhere,
and look forward to getting it to a state where we can show it to you.
Besides that we are still working hard on our Dreamcast shoot 'em up
project, and we can't wait to show you what we've got in the works.
Hopefully we'll be able to show some of it off before summer.
This was just a quick update, which will be followed a more thorough one,
when we have more to share - hopefully in the near future. (nba)
[Meldung: 15. Mai. 2003, 16:59] [Kommentare: 12 - 18. Mai. 2003, 05:45]
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