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Game Construction Kit: RedPill 0.9.41
RedPill, entwickelt von Carlos Peris, ist ein in Amiblitz 3.99 geschriebenes Game Construction Kit, das die Entwicklung von Spielen aus diversen Genres ermöglichen soll (z.B. Agonman). RedPill (YouTube-Video zeigt verbesserte Unterstützung für bewegliche Plattformen) ist kompatibel mit AGA und ECS, der "Player" zum Abspielen der fertigen Kreationen benötigt insgesamt 1,5 MB RAM. Jens 'Farbfinsternis' Henschel hat auf seiner Webseite eine deutschsprachige Anleitung verfasst.

Alle Änderungen der neuen Version 0.9.41 im Überblick:
  • Image to tiles now can open a large image containing a map, extract its tileset, and optionally recreate this map in the current level.
  • Image to tiles checksum has been improved to avoid duplicates.
  • Now you can select the spritesheets to use for each Level, saving some valuable Chip Memory.
  • The used spritesheets in the level can be automatically calculated by the editor.
  • In Tileset Menu, Image to tiles can now be used to open a large image with a game map. The routine will generate all the tiles for this map, and will give the possibility to generate the level map as well.
  • In Objects Menu, in the Advanced section you can define the maximum speed you want your object to move. Useful for example, when you do not want your object to fall too fast.
  • Fetch mode Quadruple can now be used with Screen Widths: 320, 288 and 256. Using it will speed up games for AGA Amigas without FastRAM.
  • Added a project named BobPerfTest to be able to check performance with the different fetch modes.
  • Added action trigger Follow Object Free, works as previous one but instead of using 8 directions for moving, movement is smooth vector based.
  • When using Help key or ? button to get screen information, now you can click More button that will open the HTML help with detailed info.
  • The tool to open HTML files can be defined in the REDPILLEditor Icon.
  • Project ex_mapenemies has been updated win new graphics and using the new Follow Obj Free trigger.
  • ECS parallax now supports vertical movement.
  • Red CD32 button is now equivalent to normal Joypad first button.
  • Vampire can usage can now be detected using the condition trigger Processor. It will return 8 for 68080.
  • Fix Triggonometry startup issue that caused Trig funcions to not work.
  • Fix weird behaviour when static objects are deleted from the level.
  • Fixed issue when using Inv Speed triggers.
  • Giving more info about the errors in Level Properties screen.

[Meldung: 08. Aug. 2024, 10:30] [Kommentare: 0]
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