OS4Depot-Uploads bis 16.12.2023
Die folgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 16.12.2023 dem OS4Depot hinzugefügt:
nallepuh.lha aud/mis 504kb 4.1 Nalle Puh (Paula,CIAA,CIAB emula...
seq.lha aud/mis 425kb 4.1 MIDI sequencer
amiarcadia.lha emu/gam 5Mb 4.0 Signetics-based machines emulator
wormwars.lha gam/act 1Mb 4.0 Advanced snake/Tron game
woof.lha gam/fps 13Mb 4.1 A continuation of Lee Killough...
hwp_apng.lha lib/hol 1Mb 4.0 Hollywood plugin for APNG anims
hwp_plananarama.lha lib/hol 462kb 4.0 Hollywood plugin for planar screen
compression.lha uti/tex 2Mb 4.0 A PDF generator
ffmpeggui.lha vid/con 248kb 4.1 A GUI for the ffmpeg video conve...
simplesub.lha vid/mis 21Mb 4.1 Create, edit and encode .srt sub...
yt.lha vid/mis 830kb 4.1 YouTube URL Extractor script
[Meldung: 17. Dez. 2023, 09:03] [Kommentare: 0]
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