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MorphZone (Forum)

MorphOS: Terminplaner PolyOrganiser 1.21
PolyOrganiser von Frederic 'Polymere' Rignault ist ein sogenanntes "PIM-Tool" (Personal Information Management), mit dem sich Termine, Kontakte und Aufgaben verwalten lassen. Die Änderungen seit Version 1.16:
  • Fix: Task edit, due date broken at creation (1970) and ignore very old due date too.
  • Add: Task edit, add a context menu entry for remote due date.
  • Fix: Task display, late date are bold. Fix no title display. Fix Columns weight.
  • Change: Task list, use short date
  • Fix: Contact diplay "no name" when name or company is blank.
  • Fix: Contact/Event/Task, ask confiration for remove show "No name" when needed.
  • Fix: Remove edit of task categories in main window due to a unfixable bug.
  • Fix: Fix backgound & frames of popup objects (except Task type that have fixed back...)
  • Fix:Task edit show wrond type
  • Fix: Sort of contacts that was kind of random.
  • Patch: Replace "Jabber" data type for "Title"
  • Fix: DueDate broken due to stuoid datestamp copy
  • Fix: Workaround some issue with duplicate ids in packed event storage which are used for both event item ids as well as additional links (0xE1 and above)
  • Change: Don't write DebugTracking.raw file to PROGDIR: any longer by default
  • Fix: On New Task creation, use the current date for Due Date instead of leaving it uninitilized to 1978
  • Fix: Correct backfill of sunday column weekday for locale country catalog settings which don't start on Monday (like United States which starts on Sunday)
  • Fix: Fixed a use-after-free for notification once the close window button of the search window was hit and which caused a crash once PERMMEMTRACK kernel option was enabled
  • Fix: Fixed some bug in some intermediate 1.18 version that always deleted the last record for each launch of the program
  • Fix: Icon sizes of top navigation bar back to 100% (from 80%) again after some intermediate change
  • Rework: Code to create the DateIcon AppIcon uses Reggae instead of a direct PNG decoder now
  • Fix: fixed some bug that triggered PERMMEMTRACK because the app tried to free some static application memory on some string
  • Fix: Fixed some incompatibility with MorphOS PERMMEMTRACK option due to some access to already freed memory
  • Fix: Fixed hits caused by 2nd launch of PolyOrga Fix: Fixed some possible illegal access when the database is opened or past events are checked on launch

[Meldung: 19. Sep. 2023, 05:59] [Kommentare: 3 - 20. Sep. 2023, 16:52]
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