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Diskettenabbilder: Disc Image Manager V1.46.4 für Linux, macOS und Windows
Gerald J Holdsworths Disc Image Manager ist eine Anwendung zum Laden eines Retro-Diskettenabbildes. Den Images können Dateien hinzugefügt, Dateien und Verzeichnisse gelöscht und umbenannt werden. Amigaseitig werden das Lesen und Schreiben von AmigaDOS-Disketten und -Festplatten mit OFS- und FFS-Formatierung unterstützt (nicht vollständig mit FFS getestet). Unterstützung für Verzeichnis-Cache und internationale Zeichen fehlen noch ( berichtete). Änderungen der Version 1.46.4:

New or improved features
  • Font size on the BBC Basic Viewer can be changed.
  • Added the ability to use the mouse scroll wheel on a hex dump.
  • Can now read Acorn ROM FS images.
  • When reading UEF images, each CFS header is checked to be valid before reading.
  • Can now create blank Acorn ROM FS images.
  • Can now add files to Acorn ROM FS images.
  • Can now delete files from Acorn ROM FS images.
  • Some minor code changes (creation of new images).
  • Command line parsing has been completely removed and replaced by a command line console.
  • Attributes are now validated before applying.
  • CSV output now includes the option for MD5, per file.
  • Button added to allow loading of multiple images and outputting a CSV of each file.
Bug fixes
  • OS dark mode: most of the controls do not react to the change from light mode to dark mode. The changing of the font colour sometimes made them hard to see with the tiling selected.
  • The Hex Dump dialogue was not scaling correctly with Hi-DPI setups.
  • Not all BASIC files are terminated with 0xFF. This fooled the BASIC detector in the Hex Dump viewer.
  • If the creation of a new image fails, the application still thought that there was an image open.
  • When renaming a file, or editing the load or execution addresses, pressing the BackSpace key would attempt to delete the file, instead of deleting the text.
  • It was possible to remove the 'D' attribute of a directory, or add one to a file.
  • If the last line in a hex dump text output was less than 16 bytes, then the position of the ASCII representation would not line up with the columns above.
  • MS-DOS 6.22 failed to properly read a floppy image created by the application. Changed a few settings in the header when formatting a new image.
  • Fixed some quote placement errors in the CSV output.

Der Autor stellt ein ausführliches PDF-Handbuch zur Verfügung. (dr)

[Meldung: 05. Aug. 2023, 20:49] [Kommentare: 0]
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