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Plattformer: Rastan-Demo V0.32
Rastan wurde 1987 von Taito für Spielhallenautomaten veröffentlicht. Vor wenigen Tagen berichteten wir über die Demoversion des sich in Entwicklung befindlichen Amigaports. Diese wurde nun auf die Version 0.32 mit folgenden Änderungen aktualisiert:
  • Fixed: Jumping, swinging and then trying to do a downwards plunge mid-swing would glitch out the animation big-time.
  • Grabbing onto ropes while doing a downwards plunge would cause Rastan's legs to think they were crouching and not climbing.
  • The flying demon's legs would transplant themselves onto a different monster if his upper body went off-screen while the legs stayed in view.
  • Fixed some enemies spawning in above ground if the player was still in mid-air at the time.
  • A couple of bugfixes and tweaks for the lizardman and bat AI's.
  • The HD version had issues with music and sfx playback on 68040 processors. Fixed with the latest Scorpion update.

[Meldung: 24. Jul. 2023, 06:57] [Kommentare: 0]
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