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Sprite/Icon/Map-Editor: Raster Master V2.0 R87 für Windows 10/11
Raster Master ( berichtete) ist ein Sprite/Icon/Map-Editor für Windows 10/11, der RayLib- bzw. PutImagedata- und Map-Code für gcc, AmigaBASIC, Amiga C, Amiga Pascal, QuickBasic, QB64, Quick C, Turbo Pascal, freepascal, Turbo C, Turbo Basic, Power Basic, FreeBASIC, GWBASIC, BASICA, und PC-BASIC generiert (YouTube-Video).

Nun wurde die Version 2.0 R87 mit folgenden Änderungen veröffentlicht:
  • Maps can now be 128x128 and 256x256 tiles
  • when Paint tool is selected in Map Editor hold SHIFT key it will replace all instances of the Tile
  • Discovered that onpaint events were being generated when the Labels for coordinates were being updated. This is probably a bug with LCL. This caused the program to repaint the pixels/map area when it was not required. Changed all instances in program to statusbar to update coordinate information. This may have caused performance issues with slower speed computers

[Meldung: 29. Jun. 2023, 06:12] [Kommentare: 0]
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