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Diagnose-Werkzeug: DiagROM 1.3, Ankündigung der Version 2.0
DiagROM ist eine Diagnose-Software, die vom Anwender in ein EPROM gebrannt wird und dann das reguläre Kickstart-ROM eines Amigas ersetzt ( berichtete). Die Software benötigt keinerlei Timer, IRQs o.ä. und sollte daher auch auf nur noch teilweise funktionierenden Rechnern in der Lage sein, diverse Hardware-Tests durchzuführen und Probleme zu lokalisieren. Zur Ausgabe von Informationen oder Menüs nutzt DiagROM die Serielle Schnittstelle, daneben wird der Bildschirm für unterschiedliche Farbcodes genutzt.

Der Quelltest von DiagROM steht auf Github, wobei der Autor John 'Chucky' Hertell darauf hinweist, dass es nicht erlaubt ist, eine eigene Version zu erstellen. Der Quellcode wurde nur für Archivzwecke herausgegeben.

DiagROM in seiner jetzigen Form wird mit dieser V1.3 enden und nur noch Bugfixes enthalten (das Datum wird sich nur ändern). Wie Hertell in einem ausführlichen Blogeintrag erläutert, hat er die Entwicklung der Version 2.0 begonnen, die mittels Visual Studio Code geschrieben und mit vasm und vbcc crosskompiliert werden wird. Es wird in Module aufgeteilt sein und der Code 68k-Assembler und C++ unterstützen.

Änderungen seit der Version 1.2.1:
  • 2023-04-21: Well decided to release 1.3 far too many people are still using 1.2.1 so this is now the releaseversion. Read the text "FuturePlans.txt" for more info. three might be updates. as V1.3 please check the date. but it will be bugfixes only.
  • 2023-01-26: Now default also produces a CD32 image to be burned on 27C800 Proms. Fixed issue with ghostfastmem found on AA3000+ boards (detectes fastmem that isn't there)
  • 2022-11-11: Fixed Addresserrorissue while playing testmodule on 68000 machines. Fixed issue with Autoconfig printing forever (actually 65535 times) if there was no cards detected.
  • 2022-10-30: On RGB test. added white bars at every colorchange to make it more easy to count out what color is shown. RTC test: added a adjustfunction telling how many frames between everytime RTC changes (second) to help adjusting RTC. Added function to constantly monitor one memaddress. This is for dev of new hardware and not to diagnose issues.
  • 2022-02-21: Fixed addresserror crash on audiotest using 68000/010 CPU
  • 2022-02-19: Changed memorytestroutines to the new updated. Fixed autoconfig so it would not end in a endless loop if no autoconfigcards was detected. Fixed autoconfig with outside check-in from github to handle boards with an illegal configuration better. Simple Audio waveformtest now supports volumechanges and also HOPEFULLY oddbyte-bug in Sinuswaves are fixed Some minor undocumented bugfixes.
  • 2021-06-12: Now the new memtestroutine actually seems to work "x" is just hardcoded testareas, but the manual option "7" now lets you select what area to test and the depth of check (how many longwords between all tests 1 being every byte checked) (higher=faster test)
  • 2021-05-15: AGAIN Long pause.. ERASED the memtestroutine I was working on redid it TOTALLY!. available as "x" in memtest menu!
  • 2020-11-21: New Memtestroutine now should handle when colliding with workareas. Manualtest routine now swapped to the new testroutine. you can now enter selected area to scan AND change blocksize. higher blocksize=more accurate addresstest check. also if you enter wrong order of area to scan it will be handled. 0 byte scanarea will cancel.
  • 2020-10-29: New experimental memtestroutine in the works. right now only doing a test of HARDCODED 16MB fastmem on A4k/3k Should be much faster, ASWELL as it should handle address-error issues! TEST IT HARD PLEASE! Also contains bug in Zorro handling asking boards to be shut down, issued via Github! (thanx!!)
  • 2020-10-18 Noticed that CSPPC did not work on DiagROM. This as it seems the board needs time to startup (HEY P5.. handle it with RST??) so doing some waiting and resetmagic if a CSPPC is detected. not it starts OFTEN! (not always, if not. do a reset and it will start)
  • 2020-10-02: Fixed bug so if no chipmem available at boot, it doesnt try to do a addresserrortest of that area anyway. Fixed scrollbug leaving traces of lowest pixelrow. Added function in Autoconfig mode that lists a summary of detected boards. Added About text. Added support for handling 2 different workmem areas: Chipmem and Fastmem, showing info about it in systeminfo screen. Systeminfo screen if detecting a 060 will show PCR registerbits. If A3000/A4000 motherboard memory or CPU slot memory is found scanning of A1200 CPU Slot memory is disabled, This will hopefully stop machine to crash with a 3640 installed and maprom enabled.
  • 2020-09-05: Found a interesting behaviour on Amiga 4000. If you have no chipmem, and write something to any chipmemaddress and then read anything from any chipmemadress (not even same as you wrote to) THAT value will be read! so on an A4000 with no chip. the memorydetectroutine would say that it finds a shadowram. also the UDS/LDS test said "ok" even it it impossible could be. so fixed that by doing a write to chipmem with $ffffffff so it will read that if you do not have any chipmem. making the tests more true. A1k Version have not been working for a while due to spaceissues. removed more or less all "not important" tests tomake it fit into the very limited 64k bootrom. so it should work again. Fixed bugs when using a 68000 CPU (010 aswell?) that crashed IRQ/CIA tests and also Extended chipmemtest. (Addresserror etc) Also fixed more information in crashscreen.
  • 2020-08-23: During Startup, UDS/LDS test was done by writing $ff to diferent places, this could be wrong as no memory can also show up as $ff changed value to $aa to be more "random" if memory is not present. At startup, chipmem is filled with its memoryaddress, while doing this you see a checkered-pattern on screen. After that, it verifies that the address contains that data, while doing this you see a distorded colorpattern on screen. if fail, it will show what memaddress it fails at, memaddress as binary and also what it actually contained (should be its same address) So no more telling ram is ok when thee was shorted/missing addresslines. Now check actually checks ALL memory and not only beginning.
  • 2020-08-16: Doing Addresserrorchecks on Chipmem AND workarea.. if left mousebutton pressed at poweron. fastmem is chosen ar priority ram, if no fastmem found, chipmem will be used but screen turned off. if addresserror found in chipmem, chipmem will be discarded. will be handled different later
  • 2020-08-01: New initcode in start. at memfail bits read will be written as green is correct, red if failed. Also during error, a dividertext will be printed every 512k block. At startup, romadresserrors is checked.

[Meldung: 23. Apr. 2023, 06:55] [Kommentare: 0]
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