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MorphOS: Screenbar-Plugin TopTasks 1.6
TopTasks.sbar ist ein Screenbar-Plugin für MorphOS, das oben in der Bildschirmmenüzeile die Anwendung anzeigt, die aktuell die meiste CPU-Zeit verbraucht.
Wenn das Titelleisten-Objekt angeklickt wird, öffnet es ein Fenster, das die Top-Tasks (von 5 bis 25) anzeigt, die derzeit die CPU-Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Außerdem kann es eine Historie der Top-Tasks der letzten konfigurierbaren Anzahl von Sekunden/Minuten/Stunden anzeigen. Die Änderungen in dieser Version:
  • The top tasks window opens now exactly below the screen title bar instead of using its own bottom border for position.
  • Text displayed in the screen title can now be rendered off-center vertically by specifiying a pixel offset.
  • Number of Top Tasks shown can be configured from 5, 10, 15, 20 to 25 tasks now. Previously it was fixed to 10 tasks.
  • Now displays the rank of the tasks in the first column.
  • Top Tasks and History Tasks CPU loads can now also be colour coded ranging from green over yellow to red (see settings).
  • Comes with a real Installer script courtesy of InstallerGen by Rob Cranley now.
  • Now also shows the respective task priorities in history list.
  • Global task info group in the TopTask window can now be hidden (see settings).
  • The TopTask window can now be made dragable (see settings).
  • Width calculation has been updated to be a bit closer to the configured number of characters in settings.
  • Number of entries held in History list can now be adjusted from 60 seconds up to 24 hours where 1 entry equals 1 second.
  • Once an entry was selected in history list it was not possible to deselect it making the list always keep the entry in the visible area scrolling the added top entries out. To deselect the entry now double click any entry in the list.

[Meldung: 25. Mai. 2022, 06:39] [Kommentare: 2 - 27. Mai. 2022, 20:08]
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