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Virus Help Team: xvs.library V33.44
Georg Wittmann hat die Version 33.44 der externen Virusscanner-Bibliothek xvs.library veröffentlicht, die folgende Änderungen beinhaltet:
  • Not a new author, just a new name: After marriage some years ago, my family name is no longer Hörmann, but Wittmann.
  • Added recognition for AROS systems and enhanced recognition for AmigaOS 4.x in library startup code.
  • Again reviewed the complete xvsSurveyMemory() code for possible AmigaOS 4.x, AROS and MorphOS problems and fixed them all, no more accesses to protected memory areas or invalid structures.
Folgende Dinge stehen noch auf der To-Do-Liste:
  • Analyse and possibly add some old viruses/installers that Jan Andersen of VHT-Denmark sent me in 2021.
  • Add full support for 'Neurotic Death' linkviruses (6 versions). These are highly polymorphic and very hard to recognize in files. Currently only the original installer files are recognized, and active viruses will be killed in memory.
  • Try to get the old 'GlobVec144' linkvirus. The only ones who ever had a copy are Heiner Schneegold (VT-Schutz) and Sönke Freitag (VTC Hamburg), but Sönke couldn't find it anymore and Heiner Schneegold didn't give it to me :-(

[Meldung: 14. Sep. 2021, 11:17] [Kommentare: 12 - 17. Sep. 2021, 18:48]
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