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Mod-Player: HippoPlayer 2.47
Im Juni hatte Kari-Pekka Koljonen nach 21 Jahren das erstes Update seines Amiga-MOD-Players HippoPlayer in Form einer neuen Betaversion veröffentlicht. Vor zwei Tagen hat er auf GitHub den Quellcode der neuen Version 2.47 veröffentlicht und parallel dazu im Aminet die entsprechende Programmdatei. In dieser Version werden neue, exotische Musikformate unterstützt, das Anlegen von Lieblingsmodulen ermöglicht und eine verbesserte Kickstart 1.3-Unterstützung geboten. Dazu gibt es zahlreiche Fehlerbereinigungen. Die Änderungen im Detail:

  • New fixes:
    • Fixed two serious crash bugs introduced in v2.46b. When starting to play the next module (especially by double clicking) Hippo could get confused and crash. These problems were very likely to happen especially on OS 3.2.
    • Tooltip fixes for buttons *Del*, *Pr*. Also increase tooltip delay a little bit.
    • Fix the case where HiP is given modules without absolute path via command line or via icon launch (eg. *DefIcons*), and the added files can't be opened. Now works.
    • Another relative vs. absolute path fix. When adding files so that the filerequester path is relative it could be that Hippo was not able to open the added files. That is, a file was added with path "Modules/DrAwesome/mod.bud peculiar" instead of "dh0:Modules/DrAwesome/mod.bud peculiar".
    • The default unzip command in prefs was changed to *c:unzip >nil: -jo "%s"*, this allows opening zipped modules where the module is within a subdirectory. Previously such modules would not be found from the zip file.
    • In Prefs the MPEGA settings were reported to display garbage at times, I wasn't able to reproduce this but some additional checks were added, maybe they will help.

  • New (very old) known bugs:
    • VisualPrefs_ tool can be used to adjust window bottom and top border, and window and screen title bar heights. Hippo can get confused and displays some extra vertical space below the window title bar when these are adjusted.

  • New supported music formats:
    • Medley Sound and Future Player
    • The author of these and the superb Imploder themes Paul van der Valk has recently passed away. His sound was truly unique!
    • Future Player replayer adapted from Wanted Team EaglePlayer sources.
    • Medley Sound replayer ripped from Imploder 4.
    • Ben Daglish: Also adapted from EaglePlayer sources by Wanted Team.
    • DeliTracker Custom:
      • There are hundreds of these modules available, with varying quality. Many modules work fine but some behave badly. They may do illegal memory accesses or crash speactacularly. The same happens also when played with DeliTracker.
      • One version of _Lemmings_ tries to do file accesses to load separate sample files, this is not supporte by Hippo and will probably crash.
      • A few modules do not get recognized as the important bits are not close enough to the start of the file.
      • Minor issue: Some modules display the subsong range in the titlebar so that the first song is #2 instead of #1.
    • Beathoven Synthesizer
    • Game Music Creator (Jumping Jack'Son!)
    • Digital Mugician 1
    • PumaTracker
    • SidMon 2 (SidMon 1 is already supported)
    • Delta Music 1 (Delta Music 2 is already supported)

  • New features:
    • Prefs_ option for toggling button tooltips on and off. By default it is on.
    • Support for _gzipped_ archives. You need to have a working gzip-application in path. (This was once supported but was removed at some point.)
    • Recursive subdirectory scan when adding modules is now supported on kickstart 1.3. Previously only the top level files of the selected directories were added. This has only worked on kickstart 2.0 or newer until now, due to the usage of a kickstart 2.0 DOS-library specific function. This function was reimplemented using available kick 1.3 methods.
    • New ARexx commands *CHOOSEPREV* and *CHOOSENEXT*. These work similarly as when the user presses arrow up and down to choose a module in the list. *GET VERS* command returns the app version. *GET VOLU* returns the current volume setting.
    • Favorite modules! You can now right click on a module to favorite it. Favorite modules are displayed in bold font. To view the favorites, there's a new button on top of the filebox slider gadget to click. It switches between normal listview and favorites view. Favorites are automatically saved after the user has been idle for a while, or when exiting the program, to file "S:HippoFavorites.prg". This is a normal module program file. To enable this feature toggle the _Favorite modules_ switch on the _General_ subpage in prefs. This feature probably doesn't make any sense if you are using floppies.

    [Meldung: 02. Sep. 2021, 08:44] [Kommentare: 6 - 05. Sep. 2021, 05:47]
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