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Memory-Spiel: MeMO 3.13
Simone 'saimo' Bevilacqua hat ein Update seine Memory-Spieles MeMO veröffentlicht. Sein Spiel basiert auf dem klassischen Memory-Kartenspiel, allerdings können in seiner Umsetzung zwei Spieler gleichzeitig gegeneinander antreten und so um die beste Spielewertung wetteifern. MeMO benötigt einen 68020-Prozessor und den ECS-Grafikchip. Die Änderungen im Einzelnen:
  • Fixed a (seemingly innocuous) bug (an OR instruction in place of a MOVE instruction) in card matching code.
  • Improved card matching policy by considering it a mistake also when the second card flipped had already been flipped before, even if the first card has been flipped just once and/or its twin card has not been flipped yet.
  • Made a couple of tiny optimizations.
  • Changed design of 'M' and 'N' letters (they were basically lowercase, which was inconsistent, as the only lowercase letter was supposed to be the 'e' in "MeMO").
  • Changed alignment of logo in menu screen by 1 pixel right/down.
  • Adapted to and recompiled against further improved custom framework.
  • Reworked game icon.
  • Added floppy disk and manual icons.
  • Improved/extended manual.

[Meldung: 28. Jun. 2021, 06:48] [Kommentare: 0]
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