Gregory Donner (E-Mail)
Grafikkarte: Firmware- und Treiber-Update für die ZZ9000
Für seine Grafikkarte ZZ9000 (amiga-news.de berichtete) hat Lukas F. Hartmann Updates der Firmware und des Treibers veröffentlicht. Die Version 1.6.2 bietet u.a. bessere Stabilität und Geschwindigkeitssteigerungen.
- Higher stability, esp. with 68060/CyberStorm. Better output signal. 1.5.1 for Zorro 3 had faulty FPGA timing. We finally figured out this was a Xilinx Vivado bug
- Improved raw read/write speed
- Improved speed on some P96 drawing functions, especially RectFill() Pattern
- Fixes to network driver incl. the possibility to switch to INT2 instead of INT6 in the case you have hardware conflicts. To do this, set the interrupt jumper on ZZ9000 to INT2 and create an empty file ENVARC:ZZ9K_INT2
- Unified scandoubler (“videocap”) code for Denise and Videoslot sampling with slightly better centering
[Meldung: 12. Jun. 2020, 23:47] [Kommentare: 0]
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