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AmigaOS 4/AROS/MorphOS: Atomic Bomberman Fan Remake 2.5
Daniel 'Daytona675x' Müßeners Atomic Bomberman Fan Remake ist, wie der Name bereits darlegt, eine Überarbeitung der gleichnamigen Bomberman-Variante für Windows aus dem Jahr 1997. Entsprechend werden die Dateien der Originalfassung benötigt. Auch hier gilt es also, Hindernisse sowie letztlich die bis zu neun Gegenspieler mittels Bomben in die Luft zu jagen.

Zu den Verbesserungen zählen, dass es neben den Amigasystemen auch auf aktuellen Windowsversionen wieder läuft, dass USB-Eingabegeräte genutzt, bis zu zehn Spieler an einem Gerät aktiv werden können und die Spielmodi überarbeitet wurden - sowie, dass es aus aktuellem Anlass mittlerweile auch eine Netzwerkunterstützung gibt. Hierbei spielt das verwendete Betriebssystem der jeweiligen Teilnehmer keine Rolle, es müssen lediglich alle dieselbe Versionsnummer des Spiels installiert haben.

Changes in version 2.5:
  • Punch animation is now played no matter if there's a bomb to punch away or not. This was a minor difference to the original game. This behaviour has one benefit: you can easily check if you still got the puncher... Thanks to Valentin for reporting!
  • Team mode: original player colors are now being used during the first seconds of a match before they are being switched to white / red team colors. Before you had a hard time figuring out who you were...
  • Somewhat adjusted explosion segment offsets, those were a bit off. Well, they still are, but less than in the original and less than before. The thing is: unbelievable but true, they are totally off in the original: it's all shifted by some useless pixels to the right and some asset the segments often simply don't fit well.
  • Explosion-animations are now repeated once and played at twice the speed. Closer to the original
  • Detail: if you have the kicker you cannot stop kicked bombs with the 2nd button anymore if you also got the jelly!
  • New disease: swap player position with a random opponent. For whatever reasons I forgot about this one, saw it in a Youtube video of the original game now. :)
  • Disease timing modified to be more closely to the original. Especially the duration decrease when you pass a disease has been changed: before it was 1 sec., now the remaining disease time is cut in half for you. Thanks to Valentin for reporting!
  • Improved texture modes, depending on your hardware. In general this improves the playfield's and animations appearance. If possible the washed out bilinear filtering is avoid in favor or an filtered scale2x variant.
  • Some graphics, namely bricks, use purple as a transparency indicator. However, for some this color-key is slightly off, so that here and there a single purple pixel remains. Was very well visible for the lilys in that trampoline world. The purple-check is now somewhat fuzzy so that stuff like that is gone.
  • Windows users: the game will ask for UAC rights elevation to create a new set of patched decrunched assets.
  • Angel death animation: angel now flying upwards. :)
  • Death animations fade out on last frame, simply looks better than those original abrupt endings.
  • Extras explanation screen: extra-icons now without bilinear washed out filter look.
  • For upcoming updates the online update mechanism has changed. Before the game would only check for an update once per day. Now it does always on startup. The reason is that for an online session all players have to be on the same update level...
  • Teleporter sound effects added.
  • Trampoline sound effects added.
  • Many more generic extra-pickup voice-overs added.
  • Many more hurry voice-overs added.
  • Many more frag taunt voice-overs added.
  • Sound when punching a bomb.
  • Sound when picking up bomb.
  • Sound when a thrown bomb is bouncing around.
  • Generic disease voice-overs added.
  • Poops sounds added.
  • Even more sounds added. :P
  • New sound effects manager to gracefully handle this giant amount of sounds even on low end hardware.
  • Put original's dedicated tune in the waiting-for-net-players screen.
  • Optimization: extra color analyzation to avoid creation of sometimes rather useless secondary textures (useless in terms of: you won't spot the difference...) -> less VRAM used, faster texture generation step.
  • Optimization: if the hardware supports it, the game will now create and cache NPOT textures, which means less VRAM used and faster texture generation.
  • Optimization: tuned texture atlas generation parameters for the different atlas types (animation, world preview, playfield, extras). Makes quite a difference, until now all used the most effective but most costly variant best suited for the animations, which is overkill for the other variants.
  • Optimization: texture atlas creation moved to the initial startup phase.
  • Textures now with premultiplied alpha if the hardware supports it (should be pretty much all but Compositing). Above all this gets rid of those little filtering artefacts here and there.

[Meldung: 02. Mai. 2020, 10:25] [Kommentare: 4 - 09. Mai. 2020, 15:02]
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