Amiga Future (Webseite)
ADF-Dateien einbinden: GoADF! 1.1
Das Shareware-Programm (7 Euro) "GoADF!" bindet ADF-Dateien u.a. als virtuelle Diskettenlaufwerke ein. Neuerungen in Version 1.1:
- running on the Workbench screen enabled, configuring by new tooltypes:
- WB_SCREEN=(TRUE|FALSE) - if TRUE, the GoADF! will be opened on the Workbench screen, default FALSE
- WB_WIN_WIDTH=xxx - if the WB_SCREEN tooltype is true, this param set width of the GoADF! windows, default 620
- WB_WIN_HEIGHT=xxx - if the WB_SCREEN tooltype is true, this param set height of the GoADF! windows, default 400
[Meldung: 10. Mai. 2019, 23:27] [Kommentare: 0]
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