fs-uae.net (Webseite)
Emulator: FS-UAE 2.9.4dev (Beta)
Aus dem "Dev"-Entwicklungszweig des Emulators FS-UAE wurde eine neue Beta-Version veröffentlicht, die lediglich Änderungen im Launcher und FS-UAE Arcade aufweist.
Änderungen in FS-UAE Lanucher:
- Try to use config from game database when launching with a WHDLoad archive
- New startup argument –no-auto-detect-game to disable the above feature
- Save directory based on archive name when launching with an archive
- Fixed a bug where rating icons could disappear from variants list
- New option whdload_preload, defaults to 1 (change in behavior)
- More language flags for the status bar
- New option to toggle close buttons in dialogs
- New reset to defaults button on settings pages (GUI does not update yet)
Änderungen in FS-UAE Arcade:
- New option arcade_initial_favorites to start with favorites filter
- New startup argument –favorites to show the favorites list directly
- Show game lists in FS-UAE Arcade (favorites, etc)
- New option arcade_theme (=blue/red)
- Fixed aspect correction toggle button
[Meldung: 13. Feb. 2017, 22:13] [Kommentare: 0]
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