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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
22.Nov.2016 (Webseite)

Spiel: BOH-Update 17 und neue Webseite
Für Simone Bevilacquas kommerziellen "Dungeon-Crawler" BOH (u.a. AmigaOS 4, AROS) liegt ein kostenloses Update vor. Zudem ist die zugehörige Webseite umgezogen und befindet sich nun unter dem Titellink.

  • Adds 17 new missions (5 very easy, 8 easy, 4 average)
  • Improves 43 missions by means of new/revised hints, little changes to the layouts, and other changes
  • Marks training missions with a dedicated icon
  • Adds the remote control icon to the HUD
  • Adds graphics interpolation to enemy sprites
  • Improves some graphics and shooting sound effects
  • Adds specific sound effects to the theme "C64"
  • Renames some missions and most themes
  • Reworks the manuals entirely
  • Reworks the soundtrack artwork entirely
  • Allows to run the game on Windows 10 as a normal user (due to changes in the Windows files handling policy, it had become necessary to run the game as administrator)
  • Fixes the resetting of the timer due to the focus loss auto-pause when the game was already paused
  • Applies various other changes/optimizations

[Meldung: 22. Nov. 2016, 06:20] [Kommentare: 3 - 22. Nov. 2016, 21:55]
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