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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
21.Sep.2016 (Webseite)

Datenbank: MUIbase 3.3
Bereits vor drei Wochen hat Steffen Gutmann ein Update seiner relationalen, programmierbaren Datenbank MUIbase für AmigaOS 3.x, AmigaOS 4 und MorphOS veröffentlicht. Die Änderungen in der Version 3.3 lauten:
  • Remembers the print settings in the preferences
  • When a new project needs to be saved in order to continue, let the user save a project instead of showing an error message that a project name has to be set
  • Warn user when changing choice labels in the structure editor when there are existing records. Changing the choice labels does not update the label indices stored in records. Also warn about duplicate and empty labels
  • Windows/Mac OS X/Linux versions: reflect changes to labels immediately when editing labels
  • Improved year completing when entering date values. When entering a one or two digit year, 1900 or 2000 is added depending on which result is closer to the current year. Similar for three digit years
  • Updated French translation by Stéphane Aulery
  • Converted all catalog translations to the PO file format. This makes it easier to maintain translations and add additional languages
  • New version of the ImportSample project with a custom import function
  • Several bugfixes

[Meldung: 21. Sep. 2016, 18:58] [Kommentare: 1 - 22. Sep. 2016, 21:54]
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