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WHDLoad: Neue Pakete bis 02.07.2016
Mit WHDLoad können Spiele, Szene-Demos und Intros von Cracker-Gruppen, die nur für den Diskettenbetrieb gedacht waren, auf der Festplatte installiert werden. Die folgenden Installationspakete wurden bis zum 02.07.2016 hinzugefügt:
  • 2016-06-29 fixed: Strip Poker (Artworx) slave works on 68000 machine now (Info)
  • 2016-06-29 fixed: Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis (Lucasfilms Games) fixed access fault (Info)
  • 2016-06-28 fixed: Tecnoball (TLK Games) slave works on 68000 machine when using files instead of diskimage (Info, Image)
  • 2016-06-28 fixed: Altered Beast (Sega/Activision) slave fully rewritten, access fault at level 4 fixed (Info)
  • 2016-06-27 fixed: Duck Tales: The Quest for Gold (Disney Software) slave works on 68000 machine now (Info)
  • 2016-06-27 improved: IK+ (Archer MacLean) writes to INTREQR fixed, full NTSC support, all timing related stuff adapted so game runs at the same speed on PAL and NTSC, timing fix for fast machines to avoid flickering, option to disable bonus rounds, graphics bug in bonus round (IK+ shield) fixed (Info)
  • 2016-06-26 updated: Slayer (Hewson) patch redone, support for protected original version added, trainer options added, WHDLoad v17+ features used (Info)
  • 2016-06-26 improved: California Games 2 (Epyx) slave rewritten, OS functions patched and is 68000 cpu compatible now (Info)
  • 2016-06-26 fixed: Quest For Glory / Hero's Quest (Sierra) fixed 68000/68010 compatibility (Info)
  • 2016-06-26 fixed: Conquests of Camelot (Sierra) fixed 68000/68010 compatibility (Info, Image)
  • 2016-06-26 fixed: Colonel's Bequest (Sierra) fixed 68000/68010 compatibility (Info, Image)
  • 2016-06-26 fixed: Codename: Iceman (Sierra) fixed 68000/68010 compatibility (Info, Image)
  • 2016-06-26 fixed: Leisure Suit Larry 3 (Sierra) fixed 68000/68010 compatibility (Info, Image)
  • 2016-06-26 fixed: Leisure Suit Larry 2 (Sierra) fixed 68000/68010 compatibility (Info, Image)
  • 2016-06-26 improved: Base Jumpers (Rasputin) removed need for kickstart 3.1 for ECS version (Info)

[Meldung: 03. Jul. 2016, 07:48] [Kommentare: 0]
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