MorphZone (Webseite)
MorphOS: Software-Sammlung Chrysalis 3.9.1
Yannick 'Papiosaur' Buchys Chrysalis, eine vorkonfigurierte Sammlung von Programmen, Spielen und Emulatoren (PDF-Beschreibung), liegt nun in der Version 3.9.1 für MorphOS 3.9 vor. Vorausgesetzt wird eine unveränderte Grundinstallation des Betriebssystems.
Neuerungen in diesem Update:
- choice to install pack Games and pack Emulation
- choice of the partitions for pack Games and the pack Emulation
- updated E-UAE JIT (1.0.0)
- updated SoundBankster (1.4)
- updated FCEU (1.6)
- updated Hu-Go! (1.4)
- updated yWeather (1.10)
- updated Sirena Player (3.00)
- updated VAMP (1.35)
- updated ACE (1.10)
- updated Oricutron (1.2)
- updated SimpleMail (1.1)
- updated DigiBooster (3.1)
- updated gTranslator (3.3
- updated InstallerGen (1.2)
- updated VoxelBird
- updated CodeAudio (3.12)
- updated SimpleCat (2.24)
- updated LoView (2.90)
- added exFAT filesystem (1.0)
- added DAPlayer (1.12)
- added VoxelNoid 3D
- added Wazp3D
- added Calimero 0.15b
- added TwittAmiga 4
- added AmigaMark
- added MUIBase
- added Stella
- added SMBMounter 1.4
- added NoWinED fix
- added ShowVector 1.35
- added Wings Battlefield demo
- added Toram 0.6.0
- added CRABUM SP
- added April SP
- added HollywoodPlayer 6.0
- correction of paths in E-UAE scripts
Download: chrysalis.iso (725 MB) (cg)
[Meldung: 15. Jul. 2015, 00:52] [Kommentare: 0]
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