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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
27.Mai.2013 (Webseite)

Textanzeiger: EvenMore 0.77, inklusive MorphOS-Portierung
Chris Pervers Textanzeiger EvenMore steht jetzt auch in einer MorphOS-Umsetzung zur Verfügung. Die Änderungen in Version 0.77:
  • Sped up scrolling by storing some commonly used values from nexted objects in variables instead. Also did the same for freeing memory for plugins.
  • Updated OpenURL library code for version 7.10. Hopefully this will allow the OpenURL function to work on MorphOS.
  • The VANILLAKEY event was stopping the string gadgets from working on the MorphOS port. Changed code to use MapRawKey() instead.
  • Now uses ScrollRaster() function instead of ClipBlit() for scrolling window contents. ClipBlit was faster on AmigaOS 3, but did not work whenever a window was moved out of the screen on MorphOS.

[Meldung: 27. Mai. 2013, 17:32] [Kommentare: 4 - 27. Mai. 2013, 22:09]
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