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Aminet-Uploads bis 12.01.2013
Die nachfolgenden Pakete wurden bis zum 12.01.2013 dem Aminet hinzugefügt:
getvideo.lha             comm/www   53K       get video files from YouTube etc
Blitz_OPT.lha            dev/basic  13K   68k gcc like CPU checking for Ami...
liblcms.lha              dev/lib    760K  OS4 Little CMS color engine
liblcms2.lha             dev/lib    3.1M  OS4 Little CMS color engine
powersdl_sdk.lha         dev/misc   2.2M  MOS SDK to SDL audio and video li...   dev/src    4K    68k EM87 Magic Eye DEMO For AMIGA...
aca620rd.lha             disk/misc  3K    68k ACA620 RAM Disk
dogma12.lha              docs/mags  43M       Russian magazine, HTML vers. ...
joy2key2.lha             driver/inp 13K   68k redirect joystick to keyboard
joy2mouse.lha            driver/inp 12K   68k controls mouse with joystick
anaiis.lha               driver/oth 220K  68k ANAIIS USB Stack Release 1.07
anaiis_boot.lha          driver/oth 205K  68k ANAIIS USB Boot disk Release ...
Ball_Breaker_68k.lha     game/actio 602K  68k full screen Arkanoid clone
meritous_68k.lha         game/actio 2.7M  68k action adventure RPG
AmigaColoringBook.lha    game/misc  519K  68k draw & paint classic Amig...
BOOM.lha                 game/shoot 2.8M  68k Amiga port of BOOM v2.02
darkplaces.i386-aros.lha game/shoot 3.0M  x86 QuakeWorld/Nexuiz/Xonotic engine
darkplaces.src-aros.tgz  game/shoot 4.6M      Darkplaces engine sources
AstroBlox.lha            game/think 15K   68k Logic game similiar to SokoBan
DragonMemory_68k.lha     game/think 2.3M  68k A memory game
flobopuyo_68k.lha        game/think 3.1M  68k An action puzzler
net-bubble_68k.lha       game/think 2.4M  68k A silent puzzle bobble clone
A2Zee.lha                game/wb    30K   68k Put the letters in the right ...
Bordo.lha                game/wb    34K   68k Line up 3 tiles of the same c...
Chain_Gang.lha           game/wb    48K   68k Make some chains!
GoFigure.lha             game/wb    40K   68k Create some closed figures!
Totematik.lha            game/wb    37K   68k Recreate all 10 totems!
Microbe3D-demo.lha       gfx/3d     4.0M  OS4 Microbe3D engine demo using W...
showgeo.lha              gfx/3d     9.3M  MOS 3D object viewer: VideoScape ...
AmiArcadia.lha           misc/emu   3.0M  68k Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadia_OS4.lha       misc/emu   3.4M  OS4 Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha        misc/emu   3.2M  MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadiaSP.lha         misc/emu   14K       AmiArcadia 19.14 spanish catalog
opus_68k.lha             mus/edit   3.3M  68k OGG Opus tools & libs
lame-3.99.5-morphos.lha  mus/misc   587K  MOS MP3 encoder with AltiVec support
lame-3.99.5-morphos-s... mus/misc   8K        MP3 encoder with AltiVec supp...
lame-morphos.lha         mus/misc   321K  MOS MP3 encoder optimized for G3-...
Annotate_usr.lha         text/edit  1.2M  MOS Text Editor with advanced fea...
Scriba_1.5.0.lha         text/edit  6.3M  MOS Simple word processing softwa...
Bubbledoc_0.5.0.lha      text/show  1.4M  MOS A Viewer of Microsoft Word do...
DrawerBall.lha           util/dir   2.5M  MOS Directory and files tool
WarpPNGdt.lha            util/dtype 207K  WOS PNG image datatype V45.17
powersdl.lha             util/libs  1.3M  MOS SDL audio and video library f...
powersdl_src.lha         util/libs  3.4M      Source code: SDL audio and vi...
DevInfos.lha             util/misc  265K  OS4 Shows many infos about a devi...
DumpA1000BootROM.lha     util/misc  2K    68k Dump the Amiga 1000 boot ROMs...
eGame.lha                util/misc  851K  MOS Game launcher with tagging &a...
THE2.lha                 util/wb    121K  OS4 Prefs Editor for Tools Menu a...

[Meldung: 13. Jan. 2013, 10:50] [Kommentare: 0]
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