EAB (Forum)
AMOS-Reimplementation: jAMOS und XAMOS 0.24
Die in Java bzw. C++ verfassten Reimplementationen des Basic-Dialekts AMOS jAMOS und XAMOS liegen nun in der Version 0.24 vor. Neu ist insbesondere, dass jetzt auch XAMOS die Animationssprache AMAL unterstützt.
Changes (jAMOS):
- Various more bug fixes and code refactoring in line with XAMOS 0.24
- Can now translate AMAL and AMAL EnvGen code into C++ as well as Java, in line with XAMOS's new AMAL support
Changes (XAMOS):
- AMAL is now implemented in line with jAMOS 0.24, including AMAL Environment Generator. All AMAL examples from jAMOS are added and runnable in XAMOS
- Can translate AMAL (and EnvGen) code into both C++ and Java
- Much code refactoring and debugging
- Removed default startup sound for run-only version (too irritating)
- A console-based launcher is added for launching all 40 included examples, along with a batch file
[Meldung: 03. Jun. 2012, 18:18] [Kommentare: 0]
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