Amiga Future (Webseite)
Datatype: WarpTIFF 45.8
Nach knapp viereinhalb Jahren stellt Oliver Roberts im Rahmen seiner Warp-Datatypes unter dem Titellink nun auch ein Update seines als Shareware vertriebenen WarpTIFF-Datatypes für AmigaOS 3.x, WarpUp, AmigaOS 4 und MorphOS zur Verfügung.
Changes in version 45.8:
- Can now decode images that use the JBIG compression scheme
- Added support for images that use 32 bits per sample
- Fixed decoding of 64-bit CMYK images
- Fixed decoding of planar RGB/CMYK images
- Fixed decoding of XIF images and old JPEG compressed files which
got broken in 45.7
- Rewrote the XIF image support to work with the latest libtiff
- Enabled recognition of Microsoft Document Imaging TIFF files
- Updated with libtiff 3.9.4, zlib 1.2.5 and jpeglib 8c
- Added workaround for a bug in OS4 which can cause a crash when a
requester is opened (bug fixed in intuition.library 53.32)
- Fixed (VBCC fix) potential system lockup when calling the GM_RENDER
method in the WarpOS version (e.g. when using Multiview with the
AfA OS picture.datatype)
- Added workaround for a bug in OS4's datatypes.library DTST_MEMORY
- Enabled virtual memory usage in OS4 version
- MorphOS and WarpOS versions recompiled with VBCC 0.9a
- AmigaOS 4 version recompiled with latest SDK
- Added AmiUpdate support
- Updated Spanish installer strings
[Meldung: 10. Mär. 2011, 05:52] [Kommentare: 9 - 13. Mär. 2011, 17:17]
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