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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
26.Feb.2011 (Webseite)

Datatype: WarpPCX 45.5
Oliver Roberts stellt unter dem Titellink ein Update seines als Shareware vertriebenen WarpPCX-Datatypes für AmigaOS 3.x, WarpUp, AmigaOS 4 und MorphOS zur Verfügung.

  • Ignore palette information for 1-bit images, since some applications put bogus values there (including Photoshop) and always render as black/white monochrome instead
  • Updated with the latest WarpDT engine build
  • Added workaround for a bug in OS4 which can cause a crash when a requester is opened (bug fixed in intuition.library 53.32)
  • Fixed (VBCC fix) potential system lockup when calling the GM_RENDER method in the WarpOS version (e.g. when using Multiview with the AfA OS picture.datatype)
  • Added workaround for a bug in OS4's datatypes.library DTST_MEMORY handling
  • Enabled virtual memory usage in OS4 version
  • Asynchronous i/o now uses dos/SendPkt instead of exec/PutMsg
  • MorphOS and WarpOS versions recompiled with VBCC 0.9a
  • OS4 version recompiled with latest SDK
  • Added AmiUpdate support
  • Updated Spanish installer strings

[Meldung: 26. Feb. 2011, 18:29] [Kommentare: 1 - 27. Feb. 2011, 18:55]
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