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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
09.Feb.2011 (Webseite)

Metacompiler: PortablE r6
Christopher Handleys Metacompiler PortablE übersetzt die Programmiersprache E in andere Sprachen. Hierdurch sollen umfangreiche E-Programme in eine Form gebracht werden, die auf einer breiteren Basis von Plattformen kompilierbar ist. Änderungen in Version r6, die sich laut dem Autor nicht mehr ausschließlich an erfahrene AmigaE-Programmierer wendet sondern auch für Neulinge geeignet sei:
  • It now comes with some nice modules for graphics, sound, music & GUIs. These require no knowledge of AmigaOS programming, and were inspired by the simplicity of BASIC languages like AMOS.
  • It comes with full documentation for all of these modules, along with smaller & bigger examples. The preview release does not include these examples, but instead I will be show-casing one of these examples every few days. Keep an eye on the new official PortablE forum for them!
  • The documentation has been revamped to be more beginner friendly, and the PortablE installer has been made easier to use. If you still get stuck, then let me know, and I will see what I can do.
  • In addition to that, I have made available a large collection of my own useful modules (in the CSH folder), which you can use if you want. These are not properly documented yet, but I will look at documenting them where there is interest.
  • There are also various other improvements, and a lot of bug fixes
  • As usual it supports Amiga OS4, OS3, AROS, MorphOS & Windows. However (1) the new graphics module does not yet work on Amiga OS3, (2) the new modules do not yet work on Windows, and (3) MorphOS support is still experimental.

[Meldung: 09. Feb. 2011, 15:22] [Kommentare: 0]
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