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Ventzislav Tzvetkov (ANF)

AmigaOS 4: 8-Bit-Emulator Atari++ 1.58
Der Emulator Atari++ emuliert Ataris 8-Bit-Homecomputer sowie die Spielekonsole Atari 5200. Die AmigaOS-4-Portierung stammt von Ventzislav 'drHirudo' Tzvetkov, unterstützt AmigaInput und kann mit Joysticks oder analogen Controllern gesteuert werden.

New features of version 1.58 include:
  • Fixed a couple of issues in the GUI, specifically when entering data into string gadgets
  • Fixed again a couple of exception handling issues in the menu
  • Made the keypad stick configurable, the keys for joystick emulation are now part of the configuration
  • Added a dummy front-end, "NONE", that does not render anything to the screen
  • This release supports .CAS images; however, they are not part of a C: (tape) emulation, but emulated as disks. Depending on the contents of the tape archive, the disk is either considered a boot disk, a binary or a basic file
  • This release supports better disk support for BASIC and MAC/65 files. If you insert such a file into the emulated disk drive, the emulator will build a DOS 2.0S compatible disk structure around it and you can load the image from the emulated disk as D:PROGRAM.BAS or D:PROGRAM.ASM. Note that such disks are *not* bootable, you first need to boot, and then turn on the emulated disk drive
  • Fixed emulation of read-modify-write instructions. The 6502 consistently writes the old value before replacing it by a second write with the updated value
  • The default alsa output device has been changed from hw:0.0 to default, making it more compatible to hardware setups
  • The disassembly of the BVC instruction was invalid, fixed
  • Added the space bar as possible source for joystick events
  • Fixed some issues with preferences reading
  • Added additional tests for ROM image verification
  • Fixed a NULL pointer reference in the cartridge module
Download: Atari++_1.58.lha (2 MB) (snx)

[Meldung: 28. Dez. 2009, 08:26] [Kommentare: 0]
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