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AROS-Distribution: Icaros Desktop 1.2
Paolo Besser stellt ein Update für seine AROS-Distribution Icaros Desktop zur Verfügung. Neu ist neben einem überarbeiteten GUI-Design (Screenshots: 1, 2, 3, 4) auch die direkte Unterstützung für ADF-Dateien (die mit UAE geöffnet werden).
Alle Änderungen in Version 1.2 im Detail:
- new official Icaros Desktop themes and theme manager
- Updated SDL, MESA and many other libraries
- Grub2 hack to use netbook resolutions on Intel GMA900 GPUs
- Poseidon now available as kernel module
- Improved 68K apps integration in AmiBridge
- no double pointer anymore using workbench applications
- added more uaegfx resolutions in full integration mode
- Added Amiga games/demos ADF support with sound
- added ZuneARC to manage zip, lha, rar, tgz and other archives
- updated PortablE
- updated development chain with newer include files
- updated wookiechat to latest beta
- added support for audio CDs (PlayCDDA)
- added desktop wallpapers from artist Wilhelm Steiner
- added desktop wallpapers from abraXXious
- added many new games and emulators
- updated DosBox to latest revision
- added BOH demo from Simone Bevilacqua
- updated NoWinED to latest version
- added first Gallium3D demos for GeForce cards
- updated OWB to release 0.9.9
- added SDLBasic 1.0.2
- system files updated to December 2nd, 2009
[Meldung: 09. Dez. 2009, 15:26] [Kommentare: 19 - 12. Dez. 2009, 18:24]
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