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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
29.Mai.2009 (Webseite)

Metacompiler: PortablE r4
Christopher Handleys Metacompiler PortablE übersetzt die Programmiersprache E in andere Sprachen. Hierdurch sollen umfangreiche E-Programme in eine Form gebracht werden, die auf einer breiteren Basis von Plattformen kompilierbar ist.

Mit der Version r4 wird nun neben AmigaOS, AmigaOS 4, AROS und MorphOS auch Windows unterstützt.

  • PortablE now has basic support for Windows, along with some standard portable modules which allow the same program to run unchanged on Windows & Amiga; documentation & several examples are provided
  • PortablE now comes with an installer (for all supported platforms)
  • The PEGCC program runs both PortablE and G++ (GCC) for you, thus producing an executable directly from E code
  • PortablE now runs up to twice as fast
  • Added MUI support for AROS
  • Fixed modules to work with AmigaOS 4's latest SDK
  • FastNew() & NEW are now thread safe
  • Fixed FastNew() & NEW, which were previously un-aligned & so could cause crashes under certain circmstances
  • OpenLibrary() could a crash on AmigaOS 4; really fixed this time
  • Numerous other improvements, changes & bug fixes

[Meldung: 29. Mai. 2009, 23:17] [Kommentare: 0]
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