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OnyxSoft: CodeAudio 3.0 / Homepage überarbeitet
Anlässlich seines 14-jährigen Bestehens hat das OnyxSoft-Team seine Homepage überarbeitet. Zudem wurde die Benutzeroberfläche CodeAudio - vormals TheMPegEncGUI - in der Version 3.0 veröffentlicht.
- An MP3 encoding Wizard has been added which makes it easier than ever before to make high quality MP3 files in no time
- Added support for Flac, the free lossless audio codec
- Updated locale catalogs for German, Italian, Spanish
- Works on MorphOS with MUI 4
- Restructured every encoder GUI that had more than one page and turned them into virtual groups
- Made it possible to drop directories on the list window and the Wizard
- Updated to the latest Lame executables for all systems on the auto-update server
- AutoUpdate should work in E-UAE/Linux now
- Should not try to locate the CD drive at startup everytime now. Also enhanced the CD detection code a lot so it works on MorphOS and WinUAE
- Better installation of FreeDB
- Uninstall options for CDDB and FreeDB if they were installed by TheMPegEncGUI/CodeAudio
[Meldung: 13. Mär. 2009, 10:15] [Kommentare: 9 - 16. Mär. 2009, 10:03]
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