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AmigaOS 4: Web-Browser OWB 2.19 (Update)
Jörg Strohmayer stellt eine neue Version seiner Portierung des Origyn Web Browser zur Verfügung. Die Änderungen im Detail:
  • Seems I finally found the missing bits to get usable text rendering, especially with the core fonts, and changed the default fonts back to the core fonts. The defaults for the FONTXDPI and FONTYDPI tooltypes are 84 now, if you are using these tooltypes you have to adjust them.
  • Fixed some bugs on ACID3.
  • Added rendering optimisations from another OWB port.
  • When scrolling with the mouse wheel or window scroll bars it now immediate renders the new parts. It's slower that way, but avoids the stripes.
  • Added GETTITLE ARexx command.

Update: (10.12.2008, 17:30, cg)

Inzwischen steht Version 2.19 zur Verfügung:
  • Added support for FONTKERNING tooltype to enable font kerning, since it makes text input fields unusable it's still disabled by default.
  • Now rounds all font sizes down to integers, makes the results less precise but avoids getting different spaces between the same chars depending on the context.
  • Added FONTHINTER tooltype to overwrite the font specific hinter settings configured with TypeManager (0 = don't overwrite, 1 = best available, 2 = best available (light), 3 = always autohinter, 4 = always autohinter (light), 5 = no hinter, default = 3) and changed the defaults of FONTXDPI and FONTYDPI to 96. Now the results with the AmigaOS font engine look very similar to the ones of libfreetype, and if you still don't like it you should have enough options for changing it.

[Meldung: 08. Dez. 2008, 00:42] [Kommentare: 42 - 01. Jan. 2009, 19:38]
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