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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
03.Mai.2008 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Origyn Web Browser 1.24
Jörg Strohmayer stellt ein weiteres Update seiner Portierung des Origyn Web Browser zur Verfügung. Änderungen in Version 1.24:
  • Changed default FONTXDPI to 80
  • Added cut, copy, paste and select all (<amiga><a>) support in editable fields. Text copied to/from the AmigaOS clipboard is/has to be in UTF-8, not the local charset. There are some other problems with it, for example the text selection is often displayed wrong and unselected text not completely unmarked
  • Selecting other texts works as well now, but you can't copy them
  • Disabled the workaround from 1.22 for the gfx errors as it slows down scrolling too much, you can redraw the page by pressing <amiga><r> instead now
  • Reduced the minumim step for scrolling with the scroll bars

OWB 1.24 wird in Form eines Updates vertrieben, das die im Aminet erhältliche Vorgänger-Version 1.21 voraussetzt.

Direkter Download: OWB.lha (2,7 MB) (cg)

[Meldung: 03. Mai. 2008, 16:24] [Kommentare: 2 - 03. Mai. 2008, 20:24]
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