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Aminet-Uploads bis 01.04.2008
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Aminet-Uploads:
AlphaBase_keyfile.lha      biz/dbase       0K    OS3   Free keyfile for AlphaBase
FussballBundesliga.lha     biz/misc       31K    GEN   TurboCalc Spreadsheet Football (german)
privoxy-3.0.8-morphos.lha  comm/net      660K    MOS   privoxy-morphos
AMOSlist-1999-06.lha       dev/amos       84K    GEN   AMOS-list archives for June 1999
AMOSlist-1999-07.lha       dev/amos       69K    GEN   AMOS-list archives for July 1999
chipmunk.lha               dev/c         381K    MOS   2D physics library
Annotate.lha               dev/cross      99K    OS3   Comment/reformat DASMX 2650 cross-disasm
libchipmunk.lha            dev/lib       180K    OS4   2D physics library
libfaac.lha                dev/lib        97K    OS4   Freeware Advanced Audio Coder
libfaad.lha                dev/lib       805K    OS4   AAC decoder library
libocpuis.lha              dev/lib       2.1M    OS4   68k CPU emulator library
libpsg.lha                 dev/lib        15K    OS4   PSG music library
bresenham.lha              dev/src        26K    GEN   Bresenham algorithm for lines an circles
DiskImageGUI-fr.lha        disk/misc       3K    GEN   DiskImageGUI french catalog
diskimage_device.lha       disk/misc     323K    OS4   Disk image device (adf,dms,ipf,iso,...)
Wazp3D.lha                 driver/video  146K    OS3   CPU only Warp3D v4.2 implementation
bermudasyndrome-os4.lha    game/actio    397K    OS4   Bermuda Syndrome SDL
komi-morphos.lha           game/actio    942K    MOS   Komi the Space Frog
TilesSlide.lha             game/actio     58K    OS3   Align 3 tiles of the same colour
freesci_alpha-os4.lha      game/misc     725K    OS4   Sierra games interpreter - alpha version
freesci_alpha_src-os4.lha  game/misc     1.5M    GEN   FreeSCI source
scummvm-os4.lha            game/misc     4.5M    OS4   Point-and-Click adventure interpreter
scummvm-source-os4.lha     game/misc     7.8M    GEN   ScummVM source files
scummvm-tools-os4.lha      game/misc     2.1M    OS4   ScummVM tools for use with SCUMM games
scummvm-tools-src-os4.lha  game/misc     163K    GEN   ScummVM tools source files     game/misc     122K    ARO   Advanced Snake Game - AROS port
nazghul-os4.lha            game/role     3.9M    OS4   Ultima 5-like engine + game 'Haxima'
atris-os4.lha              game/think    1.1M    OS4   A Tetris clone
ico2bmp.lha                gfx/conv       19K    VAR   Extracts BMP files from ICO files
SView5.lha                 gfx/misc      3.2M    VAR   SView5 Image Viewing/Processing Package
AmiArcadia.lha             misc/emu      568K    OS3   Arcadia 2001/Interton VC 4000/TVGC emul.
pspzx81.lha                misc/emu      1.1M    OS4   ZX81 emulator w/ dodgy keyboard mapping
SamplesCreatorDemos.lha    mods/smpl      36K    OS3   Some samples created by SamplesCreator              mus/edit      753K    OS3   Symphonie Pro (incl. full Sourcecode)
faac.lha                   mus/misc      466K    OS4   Freeware Advanced Audio Coder
faad2-os4.lha              mus/misc      199K    OS4   FAAD2 AAC decoder
psg2mid.lha                mus/misc       62K    OS4   Convert PSG (Spectrum AY files) to MIDI  mus/misc      342K          Symphonie Sound Module Reader (JAVA)        mus/play       48K    ARO   Port of MP3 player WarpAMP to AROS         mus/play      124K    GEN   Source code for MP3 player ARAMP
stsndplay.lha              mus/play      549K    OS4   Commandline .sndh music player
tunekss_plug.lha           mus/play      173K    OS4   KSS/MGS plugin for TuneNet
tunemsx_plug.lha           mus/play      205K    OS4   MSXPlug based plugin for TuneNet
Lite_Amiga.lha             pix/misc        9K    GEN   IFF pic Lite_Amiga
EvenMore.lha               text/show     520K    OS3   V0.64: Proportional font textviewer
Acuario.lha                util/blank    4.1M    VAR   Acuario Screen Saver
LoggerWindow.lha           util/cli       48K    OS4   A logging window for multiple clients.
WarpOSEmu.lha              util/libs      86K    OS4   WarpOS wrapper for AmigaOS4
pog-68k.lha                util/rexx       9K    OS3   POG - PowerOffGui for Mediator
Urope.lha                  util/rexx      10K    GEN   EUR DaylightSavingTime Arexx script

[Meldung: 02. Apr. 2008, 16:31] [Kommentare: 2 - 03. Apr. 2008, 03:34]
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