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Aminet-Uploads bis 05.02.2008
Hier die seit unserer letzten Meldung neu hinzugekommenen Aminet-Uploads:           biz/dbase     3.5M    ARO   Programmable relational database with GU
AmiBroker337beta.lha            biz/misc      337K    OS3   Update AmiBroker 3.20 to 3.37 Beta
AmiBroker_key.lha               biz/misc        1K    GEN   Free keyfile for AmiBroker
Tubexx-fr.lha                   comm/misc      10K    GEN   Tubexx french catalog
Tubexx.lha                      comm/misc     567K    GEN   multifunction YouTube client                  comm/net       38K    ARO   The most marrano of ftp clients
DCTelnet_16.lha                 comm/tcp      244K    OS3   DCTelnet Client 1.6 with file transfers
NetPrinter.lha                  comm/tcp      102K    VAR   V1.11 Driver for network printing
pftp-de.lha                     comm/tcp       26K    GEN   German translation for Pete's FTP
pftp.lha                        comm/tcp      699K    OS4   Advanced FTP/SFTP client
amrss.lha                       comm/www      687K    MOS   amrss - MorphOS RSS client
amrss68K.lha                    comm/www      761K    OS3   amrss - Amiga68K RSS client
amrssLight.lha                  comm/www      423K    MOS   amrss - MorphOS RSS client
amrssLight68K.lha               comm/www      609K    OS3   amrss - Amiga RSS client
getvideo.lha                    comm/www       12K    GEN   get FLV files from YouTube etc.
strange68K.lha                  comm/www      386K    OS3   strange' is strange
strangeMOS.lha                  comm/www      752K    MOS   strange' is strange
ec48_os4upd.lha                 demo/mag      746K    OS4   Updated OS4 executable for Eurochart 48
W4R_hit02-bp08.lha              demo/sound    220K    OS3   HIT MOUSE 2 | BEACH PARTY 08 INVITE
AMOSlist-1998-10.lha            dev/amos      166K    GEN   AMOS-list archives for October 1998
stars-bootblock.lha             dev/asm         2K    GEN   oldschool stars bootblock (ASM source)
less-mos.lha                    dev/gg        513K    MOS   A paginator similar to more or pg
IFF-RGFX.lha                    dev/misc        8K    GEN   New IFF graphics file format standard, R            dev/misc        1K    GEN   Italian Catalog for Murks! IDE
minterm.lha                     dev/misc       27K    OS3   Minimize boolean formulas             dev/misc       50M    ARO   An Integrated Development Environment       dev/misc        1K    GEN   Murks polish catalog      dev/misc        1K    GEN   Murks! IDE spnanish catalog
powersdl_sdk.lha                dev/misc      2.4M    MOS   SDK to SDL audio and video library
uif2iso-mos.lha                 disk/cdrom     35K    MOS   UIF to ISO converter
cso2iso.lha                     disk/misc      54K    OS4   Convert CSO images to ISO
daa2iso.lha                     disk/misc      31K    OS4   Convert DAA images to ISO
diskimage_device.lha            disk/misc     255K    OS4   Disk image device (adf,dms,ipf,iso,...)
FilecopyVerifyRetry-1.0.lha     disk/misc      14K    OS3   Enhanced File-Copying with Verification
fixhddsize.lha                  disk/misc      13K    OS3   Correct number of cylinders for big HDDs
uif2iso.lha                     disk/misc      32K    OS4   Convert UIF images to ISO                    docs/hard      16K    GEN   use 72 pin SIMM as A600 ChipRAM expansio
Realuvod.lha                    docs/help     420K    GEN   Quick guide to set Real3D under CGX
anaiis.lha                      driver/other   76K    OS3   ANAIIS USB Stack Release 0.96
dong_demo.lha                   game/demo     700K    OS3   Demo version of commercial platform game
flashback_demo.lha              game/demo     475K    OS3   Demo version of a commercial action game
abe-1.1-mos.lha                 game/jump     2.9M    MOS   platform game Abe's Amazing Adventure
xmasgame.lha                    game/jump     433K    OS3   Move a robot to create xmas present
sbremix_V1_3.lha                game/misc     577K    OS3   Ultimate version of this so nice game          game/misc     361K    ARO   Advanced Snake Game - AROS port
WormWars.lha                    game/misc     666K    OS3   Advanced snake game           game/misc     580K    GEN   Adv. Snake Game (sources of AROS port)
xquest.lha                      game/misc     378K    OS3   X-Quest - small arcade game from Ukraine
battlecraft.lha                 game/strat    1.1M    OS3   BattleCraft 0.205 - WarCraft clone
TotalChaosAGAr6.lha             game/strat     91M    OS3   2D Magic & Monsters turn-based Strategy
lieuxcommuns.lha                game/text     130K    GEN   Aventure game in french using Z Code
Biniax1-mos.lha                 game/think     75K    MOS   BINIAX is a logical game
Biniax2-mos.lha                 game/think    2.8M    MOS   remake from logical game Biniax
ultimatequiz201.lha             game/think    332K    OS3   Full version: quiz game, now freeware
TilesSlide.lha                  game/wb        96K    OS3   Align 3 tiles of the same colour        gfx/conv      308K    ARO   CLI converter for camera raw files (SSE2             gfx/conv      308K    ARO   CLI converter for camera raw files
SView5.lha                      gfx/misc      3.1M    VAR   SView5 Image Viewing/Processing Package
TestDTAlpha.lha                 gfx/misc       13K    VAR   Env-test if pic-dt supports alpha channe
Amitranslator_Demo.lha          misc/edu      126K    GEN   Conversation manual + audio assist (Demo
AmiArcadia.lha                  misc/emu      450K    OS3   Arcadia 2001/Interton VC 4000/TVGC emul.         misc/emu      354K    ARO   Genesis Plus          misc/emu      264K    GEN   Genesis Plus (AROS port sources)
minigsf-os4.lha                 misc/emu       32K    OS4   Convert a GBA Rom to a GSF
nes_8to1-os4.lha                misc/emu       12K    OS4   Convert 8-bit samples to NES 1-bit forma
rom2gsf-os4.lha                 misc/emu       32K    OS4   Convert GBA music RIP into a GSF file
viceplus-aros64-snap472.tar.gz  misc/emu      7.2M          Emulator of c64dtv and CBM 8bit computer
G.nius.lha                      mods/cust     254K    OS3   Custom modules from "G.nius"
Outzone.lha                     mods/cust     141K    OS3   Custom module from "Outzone"
Rody+Mastico.lha                mods/cust     109K    OS3   Cust. module from "Rody & Mastico" serie
Vroom.lha                       mods/cust     123K    OS3   Custom module from "Vroom"
EsEmErMED1.lha                  mods/midi      20K    GEN   Some mods made for General MIDI instr.
aifc2wav-os4.lha                mus/edit       12K    OS4   Convert IMA4, SOWT and SDX2, AIFC to WAV
AmySequencer.lha                mus/edit      337K    OS3   MIDI sequencer for the AMIGA
asap2wav-68k.lha                mus/edit       30K    OS3   Play/convert Atari 8-bit music
asap2wav-os4.lha                mus/edit       76K    OS4   Converts Atari 8-bit SAP music to WAV
ht14.lha                        mus/edit      926K    OS4   Hively Tracker,AHX based chiptune tracke
SamplesCreator.lha              mus/edit       37K    OS3   Samples creator no save yet
ptmid-os4.lha                   mus/misc      122K    OS4   Convert midi music files to mod files
playOGG.lha                     mus/play      3.6M    OS3   multi format sound player.
simpleplay3_6.lha               mus/play      604K    OS4   Plays MP3 OGG WAV VOC MOD S3M IT XM MIDI                    pix/back      937K    GEN   Workbench backdrop
Calendario2008.lha              pix/misc      1.2M    GEN   2008 italian calendar printable version
KnMenuImages.lha                pix/theme      25K    GEN   Context menu images for Ambient
KnSkin.lha                      pix/theme      89K    GEN   Skin for MorphOS
KnToolbarImages.lha             pix/theme     120K    GEN   Toolbar images for Ambient
Guidemaker.lha                  text/hyper    577K    OS4   An AmigaGuide file creation utility.
ispell-3.3.02-altamer.lha       text/misc     1.6M    GEN   Alt.american dictionary for ISpell 3.3.0
ispell-3.3.02-american.lha      text/misc     1.7M    GEN   American dictionary for ISpell 3.3.02
ispell-3.3.02-arexx-68k.lha     text/misc     484K    OS3   Spelling checker with ARexx port
ispell-3.3.02-arexx-os4.lha     text/misc     526K    OS4   Spelling checker with ARexx port
ispell-3.3.02-arexx-src.lha     text/misc     391K    GEN   Spelling checker with ARexx port (source
ispell-3.3.02-british.lha       text/misc     1.7M    GEN   British dictionary for ISpell 3.3.02
ispell-3.3.02-english.lha       text/misc     1.6M    GEN   English dictionary for ISpell 3.3.02
ispell-3.3.02-french.lha        text/misc     438K    GEN   French dictionary for ISpell 3.3.02                     text/print     53K    ARO   Printer Preferences
xadmaster-key.lha               util/arc        2K    GEN   Free XAD system keyfile
xad_7z.lha                      util/arc       75K    VAR   XAD (UnArc) client for 7-Zip archives
ltc-mos.lha                     util/batch      3K    OS3   Locale phone code info for Installscript
usbboot.lha                     util/boot       3K    MOS   Boot pegasos from usb device or drawer
SmartCaps.lha                   util/cdity     12K    VAR   Smarter German caps lock
crvectors.lha                   util/cli       10K    VAR   clear reset vectors from shell
iso-o-matic.lha                 util/conv      48K    OS4   All to ISO disk image converter
akSVG-dt.lha                    util/dtype    205K    VAR   akSVG-dt (SVG [SView], 68000-060)
akTIFF-dt.lha                   util/dtype    556K    VAR   akTIFF-dt (TIFF, 68000-060/MOS)
font_dt.lha                     util/dtype     60K    OS4   DataType for Amiga fonts
dtimage.lha                     util/libs      23K    VAR   Load LUT8,RGB24,RGBA32 pics via Datatype
libexif.lha                     util/libs     1.2M    OS3   libexif - EXIF handling library
libiptcdata.lha                 util/libs     606K    OS3   libiptcdata - IPTC handling library
powersdl.lha                    util/libs     945K    MOS   SDL audio and video library for MorphOS
powersdl_src.lha                util/libs     2.4M    GEN   Sources for SDL audio and video library
ips-o-matic.lha                 util/misc      20K    OS4   Apply IPS patches to your ROM files
ppf-o-matic.lha                 util/misc      24K    OS4   Apply PPF patches to your ISO files
ppmd.lha                        util/pack      58K    OS4   Prediction by Partial Matching filepacke

[Meldung: 06. Feb. 2008, 01:59] [Kommentare: 0]
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