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< Nächste MeldungVorige Meldung >
01.Feb.2008 (Webseite)

AmigaOS 4: Origyn Web Browser 1.7
Jörg Strohmayer hat eine neue Version des SDL-Browsers OWB veröffentlicht (Screenshot). Änderungen in Version 1.7:
  • Implemented the font system for AmigaOS4. Make sure outline fonts you installed yourself have the families set (in the Files tab in TypeManager)
  • Reenabled GIF animations, with the much faster fonts they are no longer such a big problem, at least if there are only a few animations on a page
  • Updated to SVN revision 236
  • Added Andrea's ARexx port (hostname: OWB, commands: OPENURL "url", STOP, GOBACK, GOFORWARD)

[Meldung: 01. Feb. 2008, 16:20] [Kommentare: 11 - 03. Feb. 2008, 21:51]
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