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USB-Stack: ANAIIS 0.92
ANAIIS ("Another Native Amiga IO Interface Stack") von Gilles Pelletier ist ein USB-Stack, der auch auf Systemen mit einer 68000-CPU läuft. Der Stack benötigt mindestens AmigaOS 1.3 und ist für Zorro 2-Systeme ohne Turbokarte gedacht.

Änderungen in Version 0.92:
  • Most hub will work now. I have implemented 2.0 mode, but old 1.1 style doesn't work. Now it's fixed.
  • Additional code to simply manage mousewheel. ANAIIS will send 0x7a for up, 0x7b for down, 0x7c for left and 0x7d for right, as keyboard events. Strange for a mouse!
  • ctrl + window key + app menu key = Reset !
  • Strange multiselection: Qualifiers key was wrong on repeat state, but good on key up and key down. Now you can move cursor with keyboard keys.

[Meldung: 19. Nov. 2007, 17:55] [Kommentare: 13 - 21. Nov. 2007, 11:31]
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