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OnyxSoft: Updates von sechs Programmen
Das Entwickler-Team OnyxSoft hat Updates von sechs seiner Programme veröffentlicht. Diese dienen hauptsächlich der Fehlerbereinigung, lediglich Annotate wurde im Funktionsumfang erweitert.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass die OnyxSoft-Homepage erst in Kürze aktualisiert werden wird, weshalb es vorerst den Anschein hat, die dortigen Dateien entsprächen noch den Vorgängerversionen.
- Annotate 2.6 - (OS4) A very comprehensive text editor with a lot of functions. These are the major updates since the public release v2.5:
- Syntax highlighting with current support for C/C++, Amiga-E, AmigaGuide and XML
- Unlimited Undo/Redo: Annotate can remember where in a file you last edited and scroll there when the file is opened
- Double/tripple-click to select word, syntactic phrase, line or bracket contents
- Plus a few bugfixes since v2.5.3
- AllKeys 2.2 - (OS4, MOS) Hotkey program supporting most multimedia-keys and mousebuttons. Fixed a problem with the ARexx command being split between the ARexx command and CLI command fields
- BackUp 1.45 - (68k) Backup program that mirrors a directory structure. Fixed the annoying hit (=Grim Reaper on OS4) when starting the program
- DRemind 1.71 - (68k) Reminder program with Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly/Single/Day- or Time interval reminds which will show as a small window and/or execute a file or Arexx command. Fixed a couple of more bugs regarding the prefs file and other things. You may get a warning if you have made reminds using DRemindPrefs v2.70
- DECH 1.48 - (68k) A small GUI for CLI-only compilers such as ec, gcc, vbcc, make, etc. Now using the system font also for the main GUI. Fixed the annoying hit (=Grim Reaper on OS4) when opening any of the config windows sometimes
- JoinSplitter 1.31 - (68k) Split and join files with a GUI. Fixed the annoying hit (=Grim Reaper on OS4) when starting the program
[Meldung: 27. Jul. 2007, 19:31] [Kommentare: 6 - 29. Jul. 2007, 22:43]
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